Crazy dreams that actually keep me awake at night

in #dreams3 years ago

I dream almost every single night and I actually look forward to it. When I wake up i need to write these things down quickly because they fade away fast once I am about halfway through my first cup of coffee. Most of the time my dreams are pretty fun and have little to do with anything particularly scary - I haven't had a nightmare in a really long time actually although I do look forward to them as well.

The past few nights though I have been having dreams that are so frustrating that they actually wake me up and I have difficulty getting back to sleep and the reasons why might seem kind of silly to some people out there.


One of the many amazing jobs that I have had in my lifetime was accounts auditing for various agencies including the federal government in USA. This is normally work that pays extremely well but is just mind-numbing and soul-crushing and my involvement in it is a big part of the reason why I ended up leaving the professional world and the United States for the matter because I was convinced that all corporate jobs that I would be qualified for would be like this and despite the high pay, I absolutely dreaded going to work and I don't think that anyone should have to live that way.


Well last night in my dream i was charged with kind of doing an accounting job of sorts. Myself and a bunch of other people were charged with counting a bunch of money that we had there for some reason. There was some corporation involved but I do not recall what it was. This was giant stacks of cash that all needed to be in groups of 100 in order for us to move on. The problem was that no matter how I tried I couldn't get my fingers on the money correctly, or I would continually lose count. In other situations there were bits of paper that were wedged in with the notes that were not actual cash so they had to be taken out. No matter what me and the team did we failed and had to start over.

bonus points for knowing what this is!

This was such a frustrating task in the dream that I woke up multiple times from that dream and experienced great difficulty getting back to sleep because of the intense irritation I felt. Unfortunately, I kept rejoining the same dream until I eventually quit my f**king job and just walked away. One of my coworkers also had enough and followed me. Suddenly we were at the beach (no idea why) and we are looking at a boat that apparently we had been on before, me and my coworker pal. Turns out it was Ryan Reynolds


I find this part of the dream the strangest because I like Ryan Reynolds a normal amount. It isn't like I really look forward to his movies nor do I consider him a particularly good actor. I haven't even seen a movie that he was in for a while. Hitman's Bodyguard? Was he in that? That was like 2 years ago though.

I guess he was in my dream because his internet personality kind of makes it seem like he is a genuinely cool dude. I have no idea why he decided to take on a job of counting money near the beach though, seems a strange thing for him to do. Maybe it was his money? I don't know.

Anyway, we hung out for a bit and I wasn't star-struck at all in the dream because for some reason, me and Ryan Reynolds, who I have never actually met in real life, had been friends for a long time or at least that is what my brain was telling me during the dream sequence.

I don't know how a psychologist would break this one down. The getting frustrated with the office job is easy to figure out because I literally quit an office job as a project manager to move somewhere that was a beach. That was nearly 20 years ago.

The wild card here is Ryan Reynolds. I'm not sure what to make of that appearance... haha.

When it was finally late enough in the morning for me to get out of bed it was a huge relief even though sleeping is one of my favorite things. Last night's dream sequences were the most frustrating that I have had in a really long time. I suppose you could say that it reminds me that I made the correct choice by leaving corporate USA all those years ago.

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