Mind Over Matters (book): MST3K creator made an aweome compilation of stories
If you don't know what Mystery Science Theater 3000 is, this might be lost on you. If you do know what it is you might be surprised to find out that that one of the creators and the host of the show post-Joel, is actually a very talented writer.

This might seem like a trip down nerd-lane because MST3K is precisely that (I absolutely LOVE that show, so don't get me wrong,) but Mike almost doesn't mention the show at all in this book.
The stories are not related to one another directly and that, I think, is what I like about it most. Anyone can pick this book up, start at any chapter, and be immediately immersed in what is for the most part real-life descriptions of MIke's own life. It is not necessary to have read chapter 1 to understand chapter 10 as there is very little in the way of recurring characters.
You do not need to be a fan of MST3K to appreciate this book

But if you are a fan i bet you enjoy the picture above featuring Tom Servo and Croooooooowee!
The stories that Mike talks about in Mind over Matters encapsulate various points of his life and his take on them such as pointless college classes, being single and awkward, and also suburban life and the intricacies involved therein. This is all told to you in an extremely humorous way that is NOT AT ALL sci-fi related. As a matter of fact, if you were to read this book without knowing what I have just told you, you might not even know that Mike J Nelson is a Sci Fi nerd that helped develop one of the most iconic indie programs of all time.
This book is almost certainly available for next to nothing online and if you live in the USA or Canada you can probably force your government to buy it for you at the library and I encourage you to do precisely that because Mike deserves more money that he has which is crazy money to you and me at a few million, but for someone that is internationally known and helped develop one of the ultimate cult classic shows EVER, i don't think it is enough.
If you are a native English-speaker and can read this book without laughing i would be surprised. I actually have a signed copy of this exact book and it is one of my most treasured possessions.
Check it out if you have the chance!
Great post
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