Campusconnect Checking Posts Originality For the Week 5-12 December 2021

in CampusConnect2 years ago

10PC Goes to Campusconnectng


Good Evening Noble Minds Of Campusconnectng!

I trust you all had a pleasant weekend! Mine was great, and I wish you all a wonderful week ahead. I'm here to give you a report about content uniqueness within our precious community.
As you all know Campusconnectng have zero tolerance to plagiarism, and we always encourage our members to remain original. during the week I commented, curated and scanned many posts to confirm its originality using the plagiarism checker also check on the right use of tags and here is the result have gotten:

@ram07Linkunacceptable post

The Names of the two offenders @galaxy1998 And @emmanelchinonso has entered the plagiarism spread sheet they're first time offenders so they have 2 lifeline now left.

I would like to use this opportunity to thank all members who try as possible as they can to remain 100% unique and also encourage others to imitate, by first of all learning to write in their own words, write their own ideas and sourcing any image that is not theirs and any word or idea that is not their own, please it will makes you professional and help you not to have any plagiarism record. May you all continue to be active in our community producing quality content that will benefit others, we love and appreciate you all thanks with warm regards @goodybest.


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 2 years ago 

Thank you @steemchiller!

Hello @goodybest, your post has been supported by @ngoenyi, a country representative for Nigeria. Keep being active

 2 years ago (edited)

Yeah thank you so much @ngoenyi for the support I really appreciate 💕

 2 years ago 

Great work at curtailing plagiarism on campusconnect

 2 years ago 

Thanks your nice commendations

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