Daily Menu Delicacies (10-27-2023) // Rice and Stew For Breakfast, Garri and Soup for Lunch and Fruits for Dinner

in Steemit Iron Chef7 months ago


Good Evening Chefs, welcome to my blog I trust everyone is great and still kicking strong! I couldn't be better over here, and today I want to share yesterday's menu delicacies with you, it was an amazing day, you know I woke healthy and I ate good food so it's something I should be grateful for because I'm no better than those who slept hungrily yea gratitude is a must!



My kids are on mid-term break so I didn't need to wake up early, I slept till daybreak. I had stew in the fridge so after freshening up I parboiled rice and then heated the stew and ate. I made it with chicken and it was yummy. Rice is one of the most edible foods in our country, we eat it almost every day.



I ate garri and soup in the afternoon, what I liked most about yesterday was that I didn't cook. I meant to say I already cooked the soup and preserved it in the fridge, so all I did was scoop it up and heat it, make garri and then it was ready to be eaten. It's another popular meal in Nigeria, we have varieties of soups and I used to enjoy everyone if it. I ate my lunch earlier and then helped the kids with their holiday homework.



I went for mixed fruits in the evening. It was a mixture of cucumber 🥒 and pawpaw and I like it so much. I ate enough and was satisfied. This was my menu delicacies for yesterday. I thank God for life sustenance. Thanks for visiting and I hope you like my food.


Hello @goodybest what a delicious meal you had today, full of colorful ingredients, I loved dinner, I will definitely include that salad in my next dinners, refreshing and digestive.
Thanks for a good publication.
Happy day, afternoon or night.

 7 months ago 

Thanks for the compliment dear, I'm glad that you like my meals and will include the fruit salad in your next menu and you'll like it. I appreciate your visit and night!

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