Portrait drawing during quarantine - No reference drawing.

in GEMS4 years ago

Here in Venezuela de quarantine is active since the first person got officially announced so I´m spending my time drawing and getting better in portraits, this drawing was done with graphite and a black color pencil, I want to make it look real but at the same time I want it to look like a drawing and not like a black and white photography so I try no to add so much details on her face, as the title reads, thi is done without a reference photography, only my mind and knowledge of the face proportions and light-shadows postioning.

Pencil sketch, cross hatching the shadows with a mechanical pencil.


Drawing with graphite and a black color pencil to give the fade effect on the face.


Finish drawing as much detailed I wanted, contact me if you want a portrait of yourself to set a price.


Brutalísimo Gustavo 🤘

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