10 simple rules that will change your life for better by @graciella

in Steem Cameroonlast month

Hello steemians. Hope you're enjoying your Thursday so far. Can't wait for the weekend to finally get here even though some of us don't even have a weekend.


Last time we started talking about living a simple life so let's quickly get the last 5 points...

6. Spend mindfully;

Every purchase you make should be a deliberate choice considering its value and importance to your life. There are times we go to the market and then get home to start regretting buying somethings asking yourself like "why did I even buy this, do I really need this?". If you can practice mindful spending, it'll save you from the stress an unnecessary uncluttered, choked up or disorganized space plus you get to save more money. Take books for example, these days there are many books you can download for free online to read instead of buying, doing that saves money and physical space.

7. Get comfortable with empty spaces:


Empty here doesn’t mean a barren or lifeless something but rather it’s more of appreciating the calm and beauty in quiet unoccupied spaces. This brings a sense of reinforcement and peace. Sometimes just try to let go of all the noise, phones, TV aside and even thinking. Just imagine lying down by a peaceful quiet river with the calm sound of the water and breeze. If you can't find an empty room, a calm place or something you can always use your imagination for a while.

8. Simplify your schedule;

Last post we talked about simplifying your goals. That's a general long term thing compared to daily or weekly schedules. I have learnt over time how important it is to not overcommit. A simple yet effective schedule can easily lead to improvement in mental health and more inner peace. You have to understand that having free time to just rest or relax is not part of luxury but an important part of a balanced life. You can plan your schedule weekly, or daily and set objectives or task you'll want to complete by the end of that schedule with some resting time included. Don't set a lot of tasks in a day you know won't be possible and end up feeling disappointed, stressed or drained because of them.

9. Gratitude;

Being grateful for all you have be it properties, relationships, jobs, career etc will increase your view of things, their value and overall happiness. If you want to live a contented, cheerful and simple life, then make it a habit to always be thankful and acknowledge all you have in the present moment.

10. Live intentionally;

Ever heard the saying there's always an intention? Well, every choice you make starting from items you keep, to daily activities you take part in to decisions you make should aligne with your values. This consciousness brings soo much fulfillment and clarity to your life. Life isn't just about pulling through everyday but making choices deliberately to add the quality of your life and at the same time sticking to what you value the most.

In a world full of many distractions, comparison, fake life, lack of quality and so on living a simple or minimalist lifestyle can take you to a place where you get a newfound sense of clarity, freedom and peace by shedding any extra or unwanted items from your life. This lifestyle promotes a grateful spirit, tranquility, value aligned/deliberate, contended and simple lifestyle.

Well that's it for today and if if you'd like to read the first part again just CLICK HERE


You have really said quality tips here. I am even observing myself and trying to incorporate those tips to my life for better positive life

Thank you, friend!
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