Our Crowns

in #busy5 years ago

Revelation 3:11 Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.


After all the chaos of this world and the strive to finish strong, there's a reward for those in Christ who has overcome. There are crowns for everyone who will fight this good fight of faith till the end.
Today the Master strongly reminds us of His second coming. Most important about His calling on us today is the need to hold fast what we have in Him. Brethren, there's a possibility to lose it in the midst of life's issues and this noisy world. It's possible to be distracted from focusing on the journey. It's possible to be frustrated to the point of considering the way of sin. But the grace to finish well is sufficient.
Hold fast the life of righteousness in Christ Jesus. Hold fast the goodness of Christ in you. Hold fast the zeal for service to God and humanity. Hold fast the gospel delivered to you at your salvation. Don't give up, for the Master is coming quickly. His coming is unannounced. Let nobody take your crown after having come this far.

Let's pray together.
Abba Father thank you for the plenty rewards you made for us in eternity. Please strengthen us to abide in Christ till the end, in Jesus name. Amen.

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