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RE: Alphabetical Order - Daily Music Recommendations #11 (M) - Meshuggah (Progressive/experimental Metal/Djent/)

in #norway7 years ago

Hey, can you recommend something similar to Nothing and Koloss? Those are my two favorite albums from Meshuggah. I also like the song Pitch Black, not sure where it came from, but I find most of obZen boring and other albums just don't do it for me.

To give a recommendation in return, check out Car Bomb - Meta. Is's available on spotify and I guess its on youtube as well.


Huh well I can understand Obzen being a bit boring, or maybe too clean if you like nothing and koloss. You might enjoy «Fredrik Thordendal's Special Defects», an offshoot with the guitarist from meshuggah, the first album «sol niger within» might be right up your alley!
I’m at work right now but I look forward to checking out your recommendation when I’m free:)

I think I've heard about sol niger within but I'll give it one more try, thanks for recommendation :)

I don't think that obZen is too clean. But it's hard to put a finger on why I find it less interesting. I guess the beat just doesn't flow as well as it does on the other albums I like. Bleed is 100% exception, that beat flows like mad.

Yeah you should, I really enjoy the freaky trying to calculate and expect what will happen-ness of it!
Currently listening to Car Bomb, digging it so far! I like the almost desperation-like feeling, I can see why you hold it up to albums like nothing and koloss.

With obzen I guess I kinda understand, if you want that really uncontrollable rush it just doesn't really reach that point, focusing maybe too much on the mathematical equations instead, if you get what I mean?

On the topic of out of control, I think you might like the norwegian group "Killl", I don't think they are that active anymore, but the one record they have out is something entirely unique. They have metal roots and play "real instruments", but they also rely on a lot of digital solutions for gating and giving the music an almost mechanical feeling to it.

The record is available on spotify, but it's quite difficult to find it anywhere else(mostly because every search algorithm insists that you've mistyped and meant kill(as in murder) :P

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