A Brief Cigar Review - Cuban El Rey Del Mundo Choix Supreme
The Choix Supreme looks like a typical Cuban cigar, the wrapper is soft and somewhat-veined. I purchased 4 different boxes of cuban cigars to be split with 4 other cigar buddies. We do this on occasion to get a Cuban sampler pack, 5 of each "brand". The El Rey Del Mundo was part of the last box split.
Wrapper: Cuba
Binder: Cuba
Filler: Cuba
Size: 5 x 48 (robusto)
MSRP: $8
After cutting with a punch style cutter, the draw needed to be opened up a little bit with a poking tool. This surprised me a little since the cigar feels so light, but that's a Cuban cigar for you. There is almost no pre-light scent to the cigar.
The first few puffs give a nice cloudy creamy smoke, with a very chewy, thick texture.
The main flavors I find are the typical anise note of properly aged Cuban tobacco. There is also sweet black tea, and a little pepper and cream on the finish. El Rey Del Mundo is a very smooth and mild cigar. It is a perfect cigar for beginners, or a morning and early day smoke for seasoned aficionados.
Choix Supreme burns more quickly that most Cuban cigars. I would say that it is because of a lightly packed roll, but the tight draw would have be believe otherwise. However, I have no bias between fast and slow burning cigars. The Choix Supreme is a Cuban cigar I always enjoy, I do not remember having a bad one. The price is right, the cigar is pleasant, however not very complex. I rate the El Rey Del Mundo Choix Supreme a 8.5 out of 10.