Obey God-[20% a heartchurch]

in HeartChurch4 years ago (edited)

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Hebrews 1: 3

The son of God shows us the power and greatness of his father. The son of God is equal in everything to his father, and with his great power he makes the universe continue to exist. The son of God succeeded in getting God to forgive us our sins, and then he ascended to heaven to sit at the right hand of his father.

How to trust God?

To trust God is to be totally sure that if we obey him in what he asks of us, to receive what we deserve and to know that although we cannot see him, he exists and there is. God created the universe, thanks to God and his son the universe exists, that is why we must not stray from God's path because if we stray and do not obey what God asks of us we can be punished. We must be obedient because Jesus has always told us that by being obedient and trusting in God we could be saved.

God has always shown us his wonderful power with his miracles through the holy spirit and he has done it with those who have deserved it and wanted to give. God loves us so much that he sent his son to die to save us, for that reason God made all things perfect so that everyone who loves him and obeys him will live in the glory of God and be saved.

We are a people, the people of God and we will continue to believe firmly and with joy in the salvation that God has for us, that is why we must continue to encourage our brothers to obey God so that they do not sin and continue to do His will. we have any need we trust God, He helps us because He loves us.

We believe in Christ our savior, to continue to be blessed by God, because God is just and never forgets his children who obey him.

 4 years ago 

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