Excessive dieting may cause anorexia

in onionrings4 years ago

Dieting, binge eating, etc. are very common now in life. The media often report that celebrities only drink water and not eat for three consecutive days in order to control their weight, and some people have not touched rice for decades. If ordinary people only go on a diet occasionally, it is not considered a disease. Clinical diagnosis usually has three dimensions: one is frequency, whether the abnormal eating behavior lasts for more than 3 months, or at least once a week; the second is the performance of eating habits, such as whether excessive dietary restrictions, etc.; the third is impact, whether it affects life , Work, studies, etc. cause adverse effects. If all 3 items are "yes" and organic diseases of the nervous system such as pituitary tumors are excluded, it can be regarded as an eating disorder.


Anorexia nervosa: Active refusal to eat.

Anorexia nervosa is one of the mental and psychological diseases with the highest mortality rate, reaching 5% to 15%. Such patients have a body mass index (BMI=weight/height squared) lower than 17.5, and have active refusal to eat, excessive dieting, and taking appetite suppressants, accompanied by paroxysmal binge eating and vomiting. Malnutrition caused by excessive dieting can cause hair loss, anemia, and endocrine disorders in the early stage. Over time, it can damage the heart and brain, and cause multiple organ failure such as kidneys and thyroid, which is life-threatening.


Bulimia nervosa: Can't help but eat.

The weight of bulimia patients is usually in the normal range or mildly obese, but they have an irresistible desire to eat and eat for a long time. They also have "fear of obesity" and often make inappropriate compensatory behaviors after eating, such as inducing vomiting, excessive exercise, fasting, using laxatives, etc., which can alternate with anorexia. Due to frequent vomiting, patients often have problems such as parotid gland swelling, dental caries, chronic pharyngitis, or severe dehydration.


Binge eating disorder: Eating is like a wind rolling cloud.

People with binge eating disorder can't control their appetite either. The food intake is 3 to 5 times that of ordinary people of the same age, but the eating time is short. They don't pay too much attention to body shape and rarely make compensatory actions. Obesity caused by long-term overeating is a high-risk factor for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases; a large amount of diet in a short period of time can also increase the burden on the gastrointestinal and heart, and even induce sudden death.


Start from health and accept yourself. Patients with anorexia and bulimia have many deviations in their self-evaluation. For example, they are thin without knowing it. Even if they are skinny, they still insist on dieting to lose weight.

Work regularly and get a good night's sleep first. Staying up late and irregular work and rest often lead to metabolic disorders, which in turn affects diet and weight. Therefore, on the basis of not excessively pursuing thinness, obesity should be avoided as much as possible, and a good sleep is one of the good ways.

Control your time alone and socialize more. Eating disorders are "loneliness to eat". Patients with non-eating disorders sometimes resolve loneliness through “eating”. People with eating disorders are more likely to overeating when loneliness increases. It is recommended that people with this tendency go out more and communicate with friends to reduce the time spent alone.

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