Write Here, Write Now

in #articles7 years ago

I’m wondering how many of us here having been writing, as a hobby, for years, but, are now serious about making it a vocation. Yes, to that for me. I’m currently involved in six projects. Creating e books. Animal stories. Animals have my heart, so, it’s a fitting subject. For one, I volunteer at the local shelter with the kitties. I will share more about my experiences with animals in another post. As for the books. They’re for older kids & adults. One crime thriller. One adventure. Four fantasy. I’ve also started doing articles. I will share some excerpts of the former & the full of the latter. Even more what I am is, an observational writer. That’s what I’ll be offering the most.

I used to think, other than with books, writing had to be more professional & have a formality about it. Then I became aware that people do pay for a conversational tone. Which is good, since that’s my style, overall. I also make posts interactive. Posing a question or two to engage the audience. Which would help increase views, readership & comments.

Initially I was seeking blog owners who required content. I have diverse interests & am inquisitive by nature. I love to learn about & understand, pretty much, everything. Which means, I could write on most topics. I wanted to build a friendly working relationship with some of these owners. Still seeking that, but, an acquaintance made me aware of Steemit. I thought I’d explore & see how things develop. What type of writer are you & are you starting to make it a career?


I do more opinion
welcome to Steemit

if you need help or just need information . I had a very large learning curve to conquer and still working on it

We have a small group that helps each other out with different steemit issues and get answers to how to questions
I wish you luck and success on your new adventure .

Minnows 4 Minnows , Minnows helping Minnows
Join now

Hi, Wolf. Thanks for the offer. I'll keep it in mind. I usually do pretty well figuring things out for myself. The main thing is how to cashout. I've looked up info. I've never used any form of cryptocurrency. I'm used to having either direct deposit or Paypal that is linked to our checking. I'm used to it being very streamlined. Are there groups that connect people, such as blog owners, looking for writers? I didn't come on here for that, but, I'm guessing that sort of thing does develop.

I am pretty much the same way . The learning curve was a very steep here for me . and I'm still having problems with the ins and outs . I do not know of the blog owners looking for writers and do not want to speculate . the chat rooms i have found to be self serving . that was the reason for the one I mention . you don't have to give anything you just take the information . unfortunately it is almost a requirement to get help somewhere . this is a platform that involves money so you do have many scams
I have not cashed out so I would have to ask in that room .
I am here if you need help . I can researcher if you want . I believe it would be a 3 step process

The instructions I found said three steps. There were several steps within the steps. I like just clicking Redeem (or whatever the option is) & it transfers to PayPal or DD. How long have you been here? As I mentioned in the post, an acquaintance told me about this & I thought I'd give it a try. My husband & I both have health issues & are somewhat disabled. We work online. Projects are sporadic. We've mainly focused on customer support & data entry, as, that was our background, especially, mine. We've done other things available for independent contractors. I wanted to get more serious about my writing. So far, most of the sites I've found, even those for beginners seem to want more experience, including, writing samples. Not usually my style of writing either.

Its a good platform for writing . It is the internet and every post has a link . As such the comment section is used for minor comments/replies . Not for conversation . It is open for all to see forever . So getting into personnel things , I would not really reveal to much . That is why I opened a controlled place to discuses any subject . With that said :
I am a disabled veteran 100% . over the last couple of years was not able to be on the internet so this is a learning period . So you have me beat as far as knowledge in that area , but you see I do have an individual that answers all my questions in the other place . LOL
I understand where you are at but not to sure what you are expecting here . The sky is the limit with commitment that is true . but you cant do it alone or you can with a hard road . you have a good background for this platform . You write what you want when you want .
I started here on 1 Feb . I learned a lot about the platform . The good , bad , and the ugly . The in's and out's So to speak . Good guys from the bad .
read this post then read between the lines . from 9 days ago
Steemit so far .. Question , Opinion , Facts , Concerns , Conclusions
I believe people should go into things with open eyes , its easier to succeeds that way . I know that I am very frank i hope I have not discouraged you not my intent .
I'll be here if you need me

Thanks for telling me a little about yourself & the advice. I'm a fairly private person, so, I only share what I want. I have to feel more comfortable with & connected to someone to open up more. Even then, it depends on who it is. In the 18 years I've been on different forums/sites & I've found that most prefer to exchange messages in the various discussions, until, they're ready to go private. Some never want to. You haven't discouraged me. I believe, even if someone has a strong following, they probably couldn't pay all of their monthly expenses with just this alone. There's few things online you can do that with. That's why they always suggest diversifying.

That's what I was referring to when I said "you have a good background for this platform " its far greater then mine . I only been on a platform for a month . never even used facebook . So that puts me at a disadvantage in formatting a post . I don't go into chat rooms . I don't like them to much BS . You will find that these people have money in there account /wallets and are doing well . Its all public knowledge . the newer people are of course different and the fact that Steem has dropped to $2 . If you look in my wallet you will see someone gave me 250 Steem to use . at the time that was worth $1k to them . there are people good people who help other out . asking nothing in return . then of course you have the opposite
@imaginedragon is a woman who is a writer . Family woman who just started . you might want to look at some of her work .

I don't like chat rooms either. I prefer discussions on forums/groups. I do like to get to know people one on one, but, not everyone is comfortable messaging in private. I'm glad to know there are people willing to help others out here. I see that in my volunteering at the animal shelter & the pet groups I belong to on Facebook. So often when money is involved, people are looking out for their own best interests. This is run differently than other sites. Many of them have buyers & sellers. The upside, you can build a relationship. The downside, it may take awhile to get there & even have anyone make an order initially. It seems much more simple here. It would be, if everyone voted more often. We'd all be able to do decently.

I'm the same way. I have so many ideas in various stages and it's only until recently it feels worth diving into seriously.

I wish you success in all of your endeavors. I like your name. History was & still is one of my favorite subjects. Other people's. For myself, I'm more of a future oriented person.

I wish you all the success as well! And I look forward to more of your posts on Steemit :)

I see that you're also from CA. I'm a NorCal native. A couple of hours north of SF. We've been in this town for 6 1/2 years.

I'm a SoCal native. I've been living in Los Angeles all my life.

Nice to meet you, fellow Californian. I've been on different forums/sites over the years & there were rarely active members from CA, let alone, this area. Most of the friends I made were from other states & countries. Since I've been volunteering at the animal shelter, I joined several pet groups (for four hours within my area), besides having a couple of my own. I've been getting to know people closer to me & I've met a few as well.

You should check out Steemit San Francisco if you can! There's a community trying to get Steemit newbies together to network and figure out ways to get our work and projects out there. I went to a SteemitLA meeting last month and it was pretty cool :)

If you can't make it to this then I'm sure there will be one every month


Hi, thanks for letting me. That's a couple of hours from me & due to a disability, it's difficult for me to drive that far at this time. Besides, I've always preferred getting to know people one on one. I'll keep an eye out, though, for meetups that might be closer.

@fadedhistory thankyou for the vote . do not vote more then 6 times in a 24 hour period . I will not give you a vote for voting for me I however will give you a vote for good comment . like you did above and also to drive up the curation . you will hurt you cause vor voting more the what i said . you are down to 97% voting power with nothing to offer on your vote . so use comments on posts without voting your posts are good quality but you resteem to much . hurting you bandwidth
I hope this helped
I am down to 87% voting power and it will take 15 hours to get to 100 % if I dont vote again

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