
Why is haejin getting flagged? what is the reasoning?

Malicious individuals who don't like what he is posting and purposely going out to tarnish whatever he posts. I saw some guy earlier try and give reasoning by saying Haejin's posts lost him money. I personally think Haejin's posts are great for reference and building your own research upon.

what is there not to like about his posts?

i think its jealousy plain and simple. Haejin draws alot of followers (and deservedly so) and I guess other posters here feel he takes from their potential profits. They attack the commenters too in an effort to drive people away. I had the most upvoted comment on his post a few days ago and now its so downvoted its hidden and full of spam bot messages. The level of composure haejin manages to keep is pretty impressive because these trolls live to destroy his steemit

You are totally right there @sandman0615, they are out to completely de-ramp every single post he does. I presumed it was down to jealousy to, Haejin has many followers and is always up voted by many as well. I do think though it is deservedly so as his analysis are very good. As I said earlier, you don't have to follow his analysis (hence his disclaimer) but it is a great place to start to get an idea of certain coins.

I am not taking a side on this, so lets see if I can avoid a's getting crazy with even comments getting flagged.

To summarize those flagging: Haejin is taking a huge amount of the rewards pool each day with posts that "don't deserve" the amount of the rewards pool he is getting by posting so often. Also because a huge part of his increased rewards are due to self voting and a vote from one other user who seems to only vote for Haejin. They point out that Haejin pulls massive rewards and doesn't reinvest into the system and that he only self votes and doesn't give back to his followers.

The flip side is that there are no rules about how many posts you can make in a day, there are also no rules about who you can vote for, no rules about self voting, no rules about giving massive 100% upvotes. Nothing says you need to interact with your followers or give them any upvotes.

Who is correct in this issue...I have my thoughts, but really it boils down to playing within the rules that are given and honestly both sides are currently. Flagging is designed to be a way to combat what someone might feel is an abuse of the system. Each flag is taking up their voting power just as those voting for Haejin are using their power boosting him.

There have been talks about how to end this, even a short lived truce. But as money is involved things tend to get ugly.

There probably needs to be a rule or two built into the blockchain about the issue raised by both sides. But for now it's a flagging war that neither side is going to win.

I watch both sides of this and not sure it's the best use of all the effort. But at the same time both sides have invested their money to be able to vote the way they feel is necessary. It's their choice to use their investment in SteemPower to Up or Down Vote as they feel fit.

Haejin isn't doing anything wrong though, and he has attracted followers through his own merit. I signed up on steemit just because i enjoyed haejins posting. He is actively drawing new members to the platform. Meanwhile the troll army is not playing by the rules. Flagging is intended for a single report, not to wash over an entire user, his postings and commenters.

I am totally new to steemit and have no idea how it works, but it seems there are flaws in the way it works. Negative trolls have too much influence. If haejin is taking too much from the pool and it is damaging the system, then that should be worked out on a platform-wide level so no one user gains too much influence. completely trashing his posts and attacking his commenters relentlessly is surely not the solution

I was following @haejin when @ranchorelaxo decided to start upvoting him. I was very happy that someone I was following was being rewarded, as I valued his (@haejin's) output as well. My upvotes at the time were around $10, and the whale's upvotes were $200 or so.

When the -18 BS angry whale troll army started attacking, which they had done to me unprovoked months prior, I knew it was inappropriate and reacted. And was then attacked by those bots that the troll whale had created, including one which DDoSed my web site, causing several other accounts on that shared server of my web hosting provider (DirectNIC) to experience a loss of service which had nothing to do with Steemit.

Make no mistake -- it is very likely that @nijeah was created by (not linking to that POS) Bernie Sanders here. The recovery address is "anonsteem" -- and, the writing style (including typos) matches. Also, that account, which cost 6 STEEM to create, was abandoned a month ago.

I've asked my web hosting provider to work with law enforcement on the DDoS, but they seem reluctant. That's fine; karma works whether I push in its direction or not. In fact, it tends to work better when I ignore it -- like that guy who stole a quarter million in the 90s, and is now in prison waiting to be deported for stealing a hundred times that much (which I learned a couple years ago -- so, in that case, karma took 10-15 years; somewhat slower than that old movie, Flatliners, with Kevin Bacon -- who has been six-degreed with freaking everyone, including my sister!).

The "trolls" are 100% following the rules as laid out in the FAQ of steemit. You just happen to strongly believe they are wrong, but it's no different then those that feel Haejin is abusing the reward pool.

Neither side is correct saying the other side is breaking any rules IMO. Both sides are working right within the actual structure of Steemit's rules, while both sides are breaking commonly accepted etiquette of the site.

What are the valid reasons for downvoting?

Users are allowed to downvote for any reason that they want. There are many users in the community who recommend only using the downvote on posts that are abusive. It is up to you if you want to follow this etiquette.
Source: Steemit FAQ

The attacker is in the wrong, generally.

That's from life, not some FAQ...

My self votes are in self defense of my blogs. The trolls have a sneaky habit of downvoting the 6 day old posts to near zero to eliminate payouts. Some also have my posts on autodownvote. I upvote myblog when its made invisible by the troll downvotes. I also upvote "prophylactically" as well. So, yes, I self upvote.

Also, you failed to mention the very racist tactics used by the trolls. On those I go out of my way and return downvotes. If you see my comments to @hendrix22; I've made every effort explain and reason. To no avail. I have never insulted that man nor have I ever made insulting memes and yet he throws whale shitting memes to donkey look alikes...many show their true inner selves with such behaviors.

I will neither be a doormatt. I will effectively use my SP to downvote racist trolls.

The people against you will not reason through compromise-- I would and will continue to flag them.

I think it is clear any accusation against you can be made towards Bernie tenfold... it is sad that his following thinks he is doing something good though his spread of hatred. Keep doing you.

The name calling isn't something that I approve of. This is why below I mentioned the anonymity being a cause of some of the actions we are seeing. People who have to show who they are don't tend to act like this.

It's sad that anyone sinks to racism. Hate generates more hate and removes the potential for open dialog that might actually be productive in ending the flagging war.

lol I have been a victim by @haejin lol i may never recover lol I surrender

Keep your stance Haejin and continue to not be drawn in to the games. It is no weakness to not insult back at an attacker but it shows strong control. As for racism, there is no place for that outside of steemit and certainly no place for it within the steemit community. Those caught making racist comments should be swiftly kicked from the community with their steem being confiscated.

@haejin its a sad world when people get jelous because you share tour insights. The people downvoting you do they take time out of their day to educate others? No!
They do not realise that in this world there is a complexity of laws. Kara a obvious one, law of attraction another. They are attracting the negative engergy and the feelings of self doubt they are obviously feeling are not going to go away any time soon. They are creating their own reality which they are then crying about. They will be chewed up and spat to the side .
Your true colours shine through @haejin . You are strong minded not to stoop to their levels, you dont need to.
Your the best person i could of found in crypto your teachings, Are already expanding my train of thought in many ways.
Have a good day.

I see it differently.

Some people are here to serve themselves. (STS)

Some people are here to serve others. (STO)

I learned this dichotomy a few years ago while learning about something that I now think is false; that being, Nibiru.

However, the dichotomy is real. While learning about the above, I decided that I was part of the STO faction. Many of my actions are done because they are the right thing to do -- rather than that they benefit me. In fact, I tend not to maximize the potential benefit to me in my interactions with others -- which is one of the reasons my wife decided to take my ring.

No question some are looking to serve their own interests. The hard part is figuring out who is doing that vs being here to serve others.

I think that is mostly a fair summary of the situation although I would like to correct the part about @haejin only self voting. I have received a full upvote from haejin as well as some smaller upvotes. I have seen many other people who have been downvoted by the bot army who haejin has upvoted as a counter. I have also seen many blog posts that haejin has upvoted likely because he agrees with the content.

true. My upvote power used to be around .17 cents at one point now its down to 6 cents... did I get downvoted or soemthing? How do I get back up?

No one can downvote your vote power. Only your post payout amount.

Your voting power is apx 50% right now. You can recharge appx 10 full power votes in 24 hours. You've pretty much upvoted too much for it to recharge. If you don't vote for about 2.5 days it will fully recharge.

There is a chrome extension that helps give more information, like vote power, vote value, the amount that other people have upvoted your posts, etc. I find it helpful for keeping track.

Very well articulated and reasoned response @thedarkhorse. It helps me see it from a slightly different perspective.

Thank you. Been thinking on this topic lately as I follow people who are on both sides of this debate and there has been an awful lot of heated opinions. IMO the money involved and anonymity causes and allows for the actions we are seeing.

Money/power/woman are always among the leading factors of negative actions. I don't want to involve myself but did become very downhearted that any comments I made on Haejins posts (for and against some of his analysis) were downvoted by others with a certain agenda. I did however have great appreciation for Haiejin for giving me a massive upvote which gave me a great boost it means a lot for a "minnow" starting out like myself. I do appreciate your response though it was very well put. All the best @thedarkhorse

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Bitcoin and the alts seem to be stuck in a narrow range. Looking for the news to cause the next breakout....either way.

Great analysis again Haejin. It's a shame you are being "trolled" like you are and getting downvotes to hide your posts. Keep up the good work. I for one simply scroll on by if I don't agree in your analysis.

Yes loads of hate.. why?

Butthurt haters who think trollbot armies contribute something to this world more than a friendly crypto-analyst teaching people about Fibonacci Retracement and Elliot waves (applicable to more than the field of economics)

Don't let these haters faze you @investingtips keep doing you! This is meant to be a free platform for the people away from dictatorship and I will keep supporting your articles.

@haejin is abusing the Steem rewards pool. Read my comments.

No he isn't, he receives a portion of the reward pool based on the amount of steem power upvoting him, just like everyone else. You and people like you want to shut down the power of people to vote for the content they find valuable.

just salty and dumb people, i m on his side too.

He's doing a great work. Kudos to him

The followers are starting to outnumber the haters by enough to keep them away... It looks like the bots stopped the downvoting of comments so that's a good sign.

Tired them out!

@dan21050 but why the heck are people like this? In my area we call people like this bad belle, meaning they just want to drag you down. @haejin Keep up your posts. You may not be always right or accurate, but at least you are doing something far good than having any scintilla of bad. After all, who is the perfect eye as regards the crypto world?

That's exactly it! People outstand me with their pettiness. Some of his posts are off but most are bang on the ball.

Yes I think the community couldn’t ask for anything more than that. I’ve personally made profit from his recommendations. Some of the haters probably went all in on some shitcoin before the dip without diversifying

I've made profit from some of his pointers aswell, he just puts his opinion out there for others to see and potentially benefit from

More than simple profits, I've learned great technique from him

From his training, I've got a new laptop and monitor (which has some dead pixels so will be replaced tomorrow) and stand and emotions. The latter is the most important!

same lol @haejin has helped me in many ways. financially but also with life in general. He told me to give back and help others when we do 1 on 1 calls. He tells me to diversify my money inside of cryptos but also outside of cryptos. I think of him as a older brother. Or more of a father in the sense of his wisdom and the way he passes it down. Theres a lot to learn from anyone older than you. But when they have genuine knowledge its important to listen very closely. His mistakes, I listen to and avoid. His success, I listen and try to repeat what he did.

Then, I went and told my friends and family about him... My mom trades now lol. 5 out of my 6 siblings also trade. my uncle, my friends...
we all listen to haejin and love it... because when you use knowledge the right way, its very powerful.

im 21 years old. I am self employeed and thought I was killing it! cause I had 50-60K saved up and ready to invest.... I am still learning. BUT

from @haejin just literally holding my hands and walking me through things. I have turned 60K into 350K.... and then I lost a lot with this dip lmao.... but I am still in 6 figures... you can say anyone can do that or get lucky or blah blah blah.... But that was my very first run. In 3 months and I guarantee you I will be @7 figures very soon with him.

IDK about you guys. but I have learned the power of a mentor and the fast track to success. @haejin seriously is the best thing thats happened to me.
Thanks bro!

I need to find some time and take lessons from the master. They sound well worth it!

Brilliant to hear man! You have shown how valid it is learn from others and have taken on the most important aspects of Haejins knowledge to better yourself. I wish you all the best for the future.

thank you very much I wish you the same!

Words of wisdom!

Great story bro!

Thank you very much!

You're right. Keep spreading the news!

Which brings me to my humor; the first line of "New York, New York" is "Start spreading the news" -- which I liken to, either, "my bird's cage needs assistance" or, "we've got puppies!" :D

thank you very much I wish you the same!

Thanks haejin for your labour, it helps to remain calm ^^

Its going for alternate count ..I think 🤔

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Thank you!

@Haejin Doyou speak korean? i'm just curious haha

i think we will see Higher highs.. lets see.. great work. thanks.

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