A Geeky Guy's Movie Guide to Blade Runner 2049 (2017)

in #movie-review7 years ago (edited)

This review of Blade Runner 2049 will be one of the strangest ones I have written.

Six months ago, I went to see Ghost in the Shell. The highlight of the experience was the preview for Blade Runner 2049 which accompanied the film. To that point, I had no idea that a sequel was being filmed (I was either under a rock... or too obsessed with steemit to notice.). As soon as I saw the preview, I was thrilled. In fact, I was so exhilarated that I went into something I call, "over-excited puppy mode". This usually consists of my yelling, swearing, and making wild hand gestures until I get myself all tuckered out (like an over-excited puppy).

Recently, I discovered that Dennis Villeneuve was directing the film.

No more "over-excited puppy" for me. Although many of my friends loved Villeneuve's Arrival, I was bored out of my mind. Another one of his films Sicario was fine... but I certainly have no urge to see it more than once. I was hoping that I would want to watch the sequel to Blade Runner as many times as I had watched the original. As far as I can tell, Villeneuve does not make movies that I can watch 78 times (the approximate number of times I watched Blade Runner). To be fair, there are about 10 different versions of Blade Runner, so I really only watched each of them approximately 8 times.

There is no doubt that Villeneuve is an incredibly talented director. Unfortunately, he does not make very "fun" movies. If I am going to actually spend the time and money at a theater, I usually need to have a significant amount of fun. I save the interesting and thought provoking movies for home viewing. Knowing who the director was, I lowered my expectations quite a bit. But I still had to see the movie.

Luckily, before leaving for the theater on Friday, I saw
@moon32walker 's post. I immediately watched the three short films he included.




After seeing them, I immediately re-entered "over-excited puppy" mode, jumped into my car, and drove 35 minutes to the nearest true IMAX theater (I HATE LieMAX!).

If you are going to see the film, you must do two things:

  1. Watch the three short films first. They enhanced my enjoyment of the film more than I could have ever imagined. They were important. Not only do they help explain some of the major events between the two films (2019 and 2049) they also help flesh out one very important character who is only in the theatrical film for 5 minutes.

  2. See it in real IMAX. The true stars of this movie are the visuals. Blade Runner 2049 was both literally and figuratively perfectly made for 2D IMAX.

Here is where this review gets weird.

Normally, I only want to see movies on the big screen that are exciting. Blade Runner 2049 is not exciting at all. In fact, I could probably explain the entire plot to you in one or two sentences. Honestly, there isn't much to the story. In addition, there is almost no action at all. Even the action that does exist is pretty boring. There is no suspense. You know how these very short battles will end. There is perhaps 15 minutes of action in the entire movie. Considering that the movie is almost 165 minutes long, that is not very much. Sadly, I could see many points in the movie where some fun action could have been seamlessly woven in. But I got over it. I accepted that it is not that type of movie.

So the movie was not very "fun"... and yet I enjoyed the experience.

Seeing this movie in IMAX stirred up the same feelings I get when I go to a museum (that's the weird part).

When I go to a museum, I find the paintings, statues and artifacts interesting. Seeing them inspires me to reflect and think. That is exactly what this movie made me do. Although I never go into "over-excited puppy mode" at a museum, I still enjoy my time there. That is exactly how I felt about this movie. I was interested. I reflected and thought. Most importantly, I experienced something that looked and sounded amazing.

The special effects and world generation was breath-taking. The score was exhilarating. Seeing it in real IMAX pushed it over the edge. This film did not just throw its large format viewers a bone or two. It seemed like nearly the entire movie was filmed to fit the larger than life eight story tall screen on which I viewed it. The world they created deserved to be seen on an eight story tall screen. It was simply incredible!

So it looks and sounds amazing... what about the movie itself?

Although the story requires quite a bit of suspension of disbelief (it is about freaking robots in the future) it is clever and interesting. The acting and casting is nearly flawless. If you are going to draw out a 90 minute story into 165 minutes, you better have the actors to pull it off. This movie did. Ryan Gosling did a great job as a brooding police officer. Although only in the movie for a relatively short time, Jared Leto left a lasting impression. Harrison Ford is... Harrison Ford. Look at my handle here. I loved him in this. But then again, I love him in everything (except maybe that one movie with Anne Heche).

To be honest, there is so little to the story that I can't say much without spoiling the entire film. I can say that instead of an action film, it is more of a story of a detective solving a mystery. While the original Blade Runner mixed in incredibly exciting and fun action sequences during the mystery, this director clearly does not know how to mix the two.

Even though the story is surprisingly simple, it still manages to cause the audience to reflect on extremely deep concepts including the meaning of humanity.

Bottom line. Should you see the movie?

If you are a Blade Runner fanatic, you absolutely have to see it. Just try to see it in IMAX if you can. If you are a casual fan, here are some reasons you should see it:

  1. The visual effects
  2. The score
  3. The beautiful people

When I returned home and told my wife about the experience, she quipped, "Well at least you got to look Ryan Gosling for for three hours." (My wife and apparently much of the female population thinks he's incredibly attractive.)

Normally, I do not write about the attractiveness of the stars of the movies I review. The physical appearance of the actors in the movies I see usually isn't enough to sway my opinion of a movie. For example, although I think Scarlett Johansson is incredibly beautiful as Black Widow in The Avengers, I wouldn't let that fact sway my overall opinion of the movie.

However, this movie may be the exception. Considering this film relies so heavily on its visuals, it makes sense that they would pay special attention to the casting of the main character's love interest.

Not only did Ana de Armas, who plays Joi, do a fantastic job as K's (Ryan Gosling's) love interest, she is absolutely gorgeous.

I have a strong feeling this will be here breakout role.

Should you see the movie?

Would you ever go to a Blade Runner museum exhibit?

If the answer to that question is "yes", then you should see Blade Runner 2049 on IMAX ASAP. If you answered "no", I am afraid you may be bored by this film.

Geeky Guy’s Viewing Guide

Number of times I fell asleep: 0 (The woman two seats away from me did... and she snored)
Number of eye rolls: 0
Number of face palms: 0
Number of times I checked steemit: 0 (I actually had to go to the bathroom for approximately the last 45 minutes of the movie but did not want to miss anything)
Number of times I said "That's ridiculous": 0
Full price/Matinee/Rental/Free/Not worth the time: See it in real IMAX
Appropriate for my kids: No way.

Images 1, 2, 3, 4, 5


Looking forward to the movie! I saw few interviews with Harrison Ford and Ryan Gosling, and they just wouldn't give anything away! But I really loved their chemistry, they look a great team. Thanks for sharing this :)

I find it troublesome to surf the internet these days, spoilers about the movie popping up everywhere. Tnx for not spoiling it in this review :) Artsy cyberpunk sounds fine, I must see this in cinema ASAP!

"Artsy cyberpunk". That should be the title of your review after you see it. I can't wait to read yours.

Yeah I tried hard not to spoil it. I treat these like I am explaining to a friend. I don't want to ruin it for them, just let them know if it is worth their time and money.

Thanks for sharing those shorts. I had known about them and planned to watch them but I forgot until 1 hour before the movie start time. I saw your post and was like "Oh no! I forgot!" I actually watched the anime one at 1.5 speed so I would have time. I watched it later on regular speed.

I think the first crush on a girl I ever had was when I saw Shawn Young in the original :"Blade Runner".

yes sir,agree with you. some of my friends and me also hate about movie spoilers,its better just watching the trailer,but hans not put any spoiler,it sastified for me.

Great review

I haven't watched any new good movie since maybe 2014

I am so disappointed with Hollywood pictures that I haven't seen a good film since 2010. Everything is so formulaic and derivative nowadays. There has been no creativity in "Tinsel Town" for many years now.

Yes, totally agree. I haven't watched it but I remember some recent movie called Pattison which can be similar.
I liked Argentinian movie Wild Stories (2011 maybe) as well

The quality of movies has really gone down over the past 15 years. I still manage to see a few really good ones each year. But I used to be able to see a good one a couple of times each month.

Have you seen Baby Driver? Surprisingly unique.

I'm looking forward to this. And in terms of beautiful people just think about the fact that Ford was 74 or so when this was filmed. 74. The message here is keep yourself in shape.

Heheh. I did a similar "Hey, you have to watch these three short films!" post 9 days ago.

I got to see it this weekend, and I loved it. To me, it was an epic film, one that will be recognized in time for how great it is. So many amazing philosophical ideas were tackled. I don't want to put out spoilers... but I will say a love story between a replicant and a hologram along with all the specific details involved? That was brilliant. So many themes touched on, including men viewing women as sex slave objects, what a "soul" could be, and of course, where we find meaning and identity in being "human". I want to see it again. I was up late that night reading all kinds of reviews and opinions on the movie. I really want to see it again.

I agree. I thought quite a bit during and after the movie. Didn't want to get to deep into it in order to avoid spoilers. I did this one as a "should I see it or not?" piece. Perhaps in a couple of months I will do an analysis piece.

Those three shorts were incredibly important. I remember you sharing them as well. I think we all need to share them to make sure people watch them before seeing this one.

I absolutely loved Blade Runner 2049. I didn't know there were three shorts! I only saw that 2021 animated one.
I LOVE Harrison Ford. That is an understatement. I had 3 explanations for the movie, two of which involved me wildly bawling my eyes out in a theater, yet none of those ideas happened. It was quite the surprise!
I thought Ryan Gosling was FANTASTIC. He played the character exactly as he should have. I, being of the female population, think he's quite a cuteface, but that wasn't why I was appealed to him being the main star. I just genuninely think he is the right guy to be taking old Harrison characters and revamping them. (I think Ryan should be young Han Solo, not who ever they picked, ew.)
Man, I just loved this movie. Nice wind down for Deckard's character.

Oh yeah great point. I loved Gosling in the role. He was perfectly cast for sure.

I do hope in the sequel (which there should be) there is more action.

Great review, I like your non spoiler style, and I like your rating system. Looking forward to more in the future!

Thank you. I try to pride myself on now ruining anyone's experience.

Sounds like ill have to go see it in theatre to really appreciate it, i sure hope it worth the 20 bucks :) Thanks for the review ill follow and wait for the next one .

Just make sure you aren't expecting any action. Its cool to look at and makes you think... but not a "popcorn" movie at all.

I am looking forward to this movie, hopefully it doesn't leave short to my expectation. My hype for this movie is startrekked and moonful!.

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