Why I don't take Flu shots

in #flu7 years ago

Why I don't take Flu shots

vaccine ingredents.jpg

I have never gotten a flu shot and never will. I don't need them.

Your body has a beautifully designed Immune system. It is constantly working. Why mess with it?

There are two things I do so I don't catch colds or the Flu:

One: I pay attention to my body. I have learned to watch for symptoms of a cold. If you see a cold coming you can kill it. At most I have a couple of days with the sniffles.

Two: Give your immune system the tools it needs to fight infection. I rely on two things, vitamin C and a strong multivitamin B.

Vitamin C and vitamin B are readily depleted through a number of things among which you have stress from drinking and work (or family). Pumping the body back up with these vitamins lets the immune system do what it does best - fight.

Why pump you body full of toxins that guarantee you'll get sick?

Pay attention to what your body is telling you. (Be still long enough to listen.)
And when you need to, give you body the tools to keep you healthy.

Quiz: Why don't doctors like vitamins?

Answer: If you are healthy, they don't make money....


The only people who need flu shots are those with depleted immune response like the elderly.
I have travelled to the US and been surprised at healthy adults getting these kinds of injections as a matter of course.

What is in flu shots though is safe and won't harm you.

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