[ANIME: HAIKYUU!] Karasuno Appreciation Post Part 4/4: Let's Welcome the Managers and Coaches!

in #hive-1498634 years ago (edited)

Hello there my otaku friends! Harumi/Shei here.
It's time to wrap up this Karasuno Appreciation Post with its final part. If you miss the previous parts, you may the following links below.

[ANIME: HAIKYUU!] Karasuno Appreciation Post Part 1/4: Meet The Third Years!
[ANIME: HAIKYUU!] Karasuno Appreciation Post Part 2/4: Here Comes The Second Years!
[ANIME: HAIKYUU!] Karasuno Appreciation Post Part 3/4: Make Way For The First Years!

Since I have posted about the players, of course, it's a given to appreciate the people behind their success. So, in this post, let's take the time to appreciate the coaches and managers of Karasuno High School Volleyball Club.

Image Source: COACHES

Image Source: MANAGERS

Although they didn't join any games/matches in the anime, they were part of the team's achievements. They are all the pillar of support for everyone. The whole Karasuno Team would be incomplete without them. So, let's get to know them more.

Takeda Ittetsu


This charming guy is Takeda-sensei. Yes, he's a newbie when it comes to volleyball, but he's always trying his best to learn more about the sport. He studies extra hard to understand what's going on in the court.

Since Karasuno didn't perform well the past years, they lost connection to a lot of schools with which they used to have practice matches with. However, because of Takeda-sensei's determination to help the team, he was able to bring back the connection... even if he had to bow down a lot of times.

He also provided the team with encouragement and words of wisdom. I totally love how poetic he is! I, too, learned a lot from him. He deserves the appreciation! Kudos to you, sensei!

Ukai Keishin


Coach Ukai is the grandson of Karasuno's former coach. He used to be a Karasuno student and player of volleyball as well. Back in the days, he was a setter.

At first, he didn't want to be the coach but after being able to see the current Karasuno team play during their practice game with the alumnus and with Nekoma, he was eager to continue coaching them. He's still a "baby" coach, but he's doing his best in guiding the players to be better versions of themselves.

Just like Takeda-sensei, he encourages them... and in return, he's also encouraged by them. He might look like a yankee, but he's very kindhearted and a fun person. It would be awesome to hangout with him, especially when he gives us meat buns from their store. LOL

Shimizu Kiyoko


Shimizu-senpai is Karasuno's goddess, I must say. :) Before Yachi joined, she was the only rose among the thorns. She was especially admired by her juniors. Noya and Tanaka worship her and protects her although she's capable enough to protect herself.

She's also a very important fourth year student. She encourages her fellow fourth years and try to make them feel at ease through her words and actions. I really love the time when all four of them went to the shrine during New Year's Day. There was also an episode about Kiyoko when her past as a hurdler/athlete was revealed. She was amazing!

Her dedication for the team is admirable, indeed. And she also trained and took care of Yachi when she just started as their manager.

Hitoka Yachi


Yacchi-san is the newest addition to the team. She's a first year student and recently became the manager of Karasuno. She also didn't know much about volleyball, but she's showing her determination to learn in order to understand and help the team more.

She's also very artistic and intelligent. She helps the idiotic first years in their studies and she also designs the promotional ads for the team. She proved that even though you're just PERSON B in a play, you can shine as well.

She's actually so adorable and I love seeing her with Hinata or Yamaguchi. They're too cute to watch!

To these four lovely humans, thank you for supporting Karasuno all the way. Without you, the battle would've been much harder to overcome.

This ends my Karasuno appreciation post. I'll be posting more of Haikyuu!! in the days to come because I cannot just shut up about them. However, I may post about Major soon because I just finished re-watching all six seasons.

I want to share about my review and reaction per season, so look forward to it. For now, I'll have to say thank you and goodbye! See you again soon! (^^,)/