8 Things to Keep Close to Heart About Life

in #life7 years ago

As a twenty something-year-old living in today's society, I grew up with the notion that I must've had it all figured out by the time I reached my twenties. Today I'm 22 and to be honest I've never felt further from where I thought I'd be nor do I know exactly where I am going, and that is okay, but if I'm honest, it doesn't always feel like it's going to be, so here's a list of important things to keep in mind as you go.

You always are evolving

No matter how set you think your views and ideas are, you are forever changing. Every experience you have until the day you die affects the way you process thoughts, view life and certain experiences along the way will drastically change you. It is up to you to take the lead and organize your priorities as you go.

Find the things that make you happy

Adult life can get messy, confusing and even cruel; so it is important that you are well aware of the things that give you peace of mind. They don't need to be extravagant travels or expensive hobbies; it usually is the little things that make you the happiest. But you do need to do some soul searching and incorporate them into your life.

Exercise is key

Exercise has been a big part of my life thanks to my mother whom introduced it into my life at an early age (thanks mom), but sometimes I let the pressure of the outside world slow me down and I neglect it; a practice I believe a lot of us are guilty of, but it shouldn't be this way! Exercise has many benefits not only physical but psychologically as well, and you don't have to go to the gym five times a week, a quick run or 30min walk can have great impact in your everyday life.

Don't let other's opinions of you matter

This I mean it, you can't live your life to please others. Period. The only opinion that should pull weight is your own, you have to look at yourself every day in the mirror, so make sure that whatever you tell that reflection comes from you. Which leads me to...

Be kind, be patient with yourself

You are your toughest judge, and while this same principle can lead us to greatness if we use it correctly; it can also put us down. How many times do you put yourself down over things "you could do better?", if you're anything like me, well a lot. But I'm trying to change that by asking myself if I'd say those things to someone else every time I go into self-critic mode; and you know what? a lot of the times I wouldn't say anything of the sort to anybody. Why? because it's mean, rude; so why am I talking to myself like this?

Explore your curious

Don't be afraid to go down the rabbit holes of your curiosity, explore each and every subject that catches your attention, learn something new every day. This will not only keep your brain young, but it will help you stay the truest to yourself.

You're tougher than you realize

Whatever life is throwing at you right now, just know that you can get through it and as cliche as it sounds everything happens for a reason. You'll come out stronger and better in the end.

You're going to be okay

I am by no means an expert in life, if anything I'm just one of the lost souls out there. I'm just trying to share experiences as I go.IMG_5248.JPG


Great information and good reminders! It's so easy to forget a lot of this stuff as your mind gets cluttered with the stresses of life.

Healthy reminders for anyone reading.

Great inspiration to think about our life. thank you

Thank you for reading! Glad that this is reaching people.

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