Steemit engagement challenge week 3 | defending the statements by @hayleydemi


Hello Steemit Pakistan community, this is a really intellectual and amazing contest and I am more than happy to partake in it. I would be defending the following 3 statements:

  • Votes are not guaranteed - SCO1
  • Money is more important than love
  • Punishment never has a good effect

Votes are not guaranteed - SCO1

There are so many posts made on Steemit on a daily basis. Almost everyone who makes a post hopes to get votes from SC01, but realistically, this is virtually impossible. SCO1 tries to vote contents that are rich in quality. This is in order to promote hard work and quality content on this platform, and to maximize effort.

There are important rules that every post made must obey, for example, being plagiarism free. These rules are meant to maintain the integrity of this platform and make it an amazing place for everyone. Understandably, SC01 will likely vote posts that obey the rules, as it is humanly difficult to try to vote every post.

Money is more important than love

As much as love is important, it can be argued that money is more important than love. Money makes loving easier. Love is better enjoyed when you're comfortable. Money provides that comfort. When you have the comfort that money provides, you love more, life is easier and full of optimism.

Money also helps one express love better. When you love someone, you want to do what makes them happy, you want to please them. Money makes this possible.
With money, you can get them what they want with ease. This make the person love you more. The importance of money in this context cannot be overemphasized.

Punishment never has a good effect

The thing about punishment is that it could condemn a person or make someone condemn himself. Someone who does something bad may think that he is inherently bad and cannot be changed.

Punishment may not even make one realize that what he/she did was bad. Rather than punishment, correction and reeducation are preferable.

Correcting a person would better make him realize that what he did was bad and re-education would help make the person not to repeat that bad behavior or find better ways of doing things.


Votes are not guaranteed by SC01 because posts have to be confirmed to be of high quality and followed the rules.

Money is more important than love because it makes love easier. It better helps you express the love you have.

Correcting and re-educating a person are better options to punishment.


Truly money makes love easier because without money, there will be suffering and hunger and love may fade .

Thanks for sharing . Your points are valid

 2 years ago 

It's your first post, you can't participate in this contest, make sure to be verified from newcomers community before posting in any other communities

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