Whose Report Shall You Believe?

in #steemchurch7 years ago

TEXT : Numbers 13:26-33, Isaiah 53:1, John 14:6.

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In life we work by faith as a Christian but not by sight, God called the children of Israel after several years of suffering under king pharaoh, God sent moses to tell the Israelites that he had heard their cry but when king pharaoh heard about God's report, surely he didn't agree with God's report but the end point wasn't in favour of King pharaoh.

Men want to see before they believe, the scripture says in numbers 13:26-33,were God told the Israelites that he has given them a land filled with milk and honey, so moses sent some men to go and observe the land and when they came back to report what they saw to Moses and to Aaron and also to the congregation, fine! the men were able to testify that the land was filled with milk and honey as God reported but also the men were reporting from sight, being scared of the men that already possess the land, at that point the men that was sent started doubting God's report but Caleb was able to stilled in God's report and told the people before moses that they should go at once to possess the land not minding what those men said because God said that's the land I have given to you, a land filled with milk and honey and God's report is always final, no matter how it seems.

Men's reports are different from God's report in that men judge from sight but God ways are always beyond the box, we should try not to say deleterious report no matter how it seems, always speak with faith because faith is one of the characteristics of a true Christian, he said in his word that let the weak says I'm strong and the sick says I'm heal, that's speaking faith.

whose report should you believe, is it the one of men that speaks by sight or God's own report for your life that says this year 2018 shall be a year of open doors for milk and honey? let's exercise our faith in all area of life.

A woman was sick so she went to see a doctor and the doctor reported that the woman was having fibrosis, although at that moment she was really scared but she was able to key to that faith, that report from God not the report from the doctor and in end she got her healing from God and this was because God saw that the woman believed in his report more than the report from the doctor. So as a Christian let's display the faith that pleases God because surely God will always give us victory, nothing is above God!.

Our Lord jesus Christ wasn't defeated, so we as Christians can't be defeated also. As a child of God, your solidify foundation is on Christ victory, glory be to God because his victory is so pellucid to the world. We must believe in the report of jesus because his the way to eternal peace and life ( John 14:27), the peace that the world giveth is far different from that of God, although in life there must be time that we face dilemma but faith will solve it all because God's word still stands, we shouldn't be discourage, God has reported an open door for milk and honey.

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When men doesn't believe in God report, he/she will keep on moving around searching for solution not knowing that his word answers it all ( John 16:33). As believer, you are not born of the world rather you are born in Christ jesus,God stated in ( 1 John 4:4) that we are of God and have overcome the world because we have Christ in us that is greater than the world.

Having said all that, I want to wish you a very happy 2018. A Year Of Open Doors For Milk And Honey and don't forget to exercise our faith (Isaiah 3:10)

I WOULD LIKE TO ACKNOWLEDGE ALL SUPPORTERS AND PROMOTERS OF THE GREAT GOSPEL OF CHRIST ON STEEMIT. UPMOST ACKNOWLEDGMENT TO @papa-pepper @modernpastor , @gavvet, @titusfrost, @hanshotfirst, @prm, @methusalem, @bds, @frieda,@run2christ, @sheppards #lighttheworld. and @sirknight - #Steemchurch. I KNOW THERE ARE MORE SUPPORTERS AND PROMOTERS NOT YET KNOWN BUT SPECIAL THANKS TO YOU ALL.



Happy first sunday hboi. Even the bible said that with faith we can move mountains. Faith is the rock of believers for without faith no man can please God.

As a believer,let's key to that faith!

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