
Diabetes is a dangerous disease, many diabetics are very pessimistic about the cure of their illness. Many questions arise about diabetes, one of which often arises is whether diabetes can be completely cured? The answer that can be obtained is that diabetes cannot be cured completely or completely. It can be said that diabetes is a permanent disease. Therefore, in this case if it has not happened or has contracted the disease it is better for us to prevent the onset of the disease.

Although diabetes is ultimately incurable, the disease can be managed and controlled. Diabetics can maintain blood sugar levels to remain normal levels so as not to cause complications in the form of advanced disease from the initial disease. Thus, the patient can stay normal as usual without the symptoms of diabetes that interfere. Therefore, through this article PasarPolis will provide some information about diabetes, ranging from answering all popular questions, namely whether diabetes can be completely cured and then recognize diabetes itself, symptoms of diabetes, treatment and how to handle and control diabetes. First of all, it is very important to understand the condition of diabetes.

Understanding Diabetes Conditions

Diabetes mellitus (DM) or what is often called diabetes is a condition in which the body experiences a disruption in balancing the levels of sugar in the body. In these conditions, the level of sugar in the body of diabetics is very high. In the medical world, the condition of high levels of sugar contained in the blood is called hyperglycemia.

How can blood sugar levels in people with diabetes increase? This is caused by the failure of the pancreas organ in producing insulin hormone balanced by the amount of sugar in the blood. Because the hormone insulin is the main hormone that controls sugar from the blood into most cells in the body. Insulin hormone can be said to have the task of carrying and absorbing glucose (sugar in the blood) into energy.

Increased blood sugar levels in diabetics can increase due to the failure of the pancreatic organ in producing insulin which is balanced with the amount of sugar in the blood. The hormone insulin is the main hormone that controls sugar from the blood into most of the cells in the body.

From the point of view of insulin hormone function, diabetes is divided into two types, namely:

Type 1 Diabetes

In people with type 1 diabetes, what happens in the body of the sufferer is the hormone insulin failed to be produced by his pancreatic organ. Thus, too much sugar in the blood and energy fails because the amount is too much compared to the amount of the hormone insulin.

Type 2 Diabetes

In patients with type 2 diabetes, what happens to their body is different from type 1 diabetes. The condition of the amount of insulin in people with type 2 diabetes can be said to be enough to balance the amount of sugar. However, what happens is the insulin hormone has a function disorder. That is failing to absorb and convert sugar into energy.

In people with type 2 diabetes, their body condition is different from type 1 diabetics. The amount of insulin in type 2 diabetes can be said to adequately balance the amount of sugar in the body. However, what happens to their bodies is that the insulin hormone has a function disorder, which fails to absorb and convert sugar into energy. When the insulin hormone fails to perform its function to help convert sugar into energy, the thing that can happen is the level of sugar in the blood increases and fails to turn into energy.

Factors that Allow Diabetes to Occur

Diabetes can be caused by two groups of factors, namely:

1. Factors that cannot be modified

There are several conditions that make a person's body get the most likely occurrence of diabetes due to congenital factors that cannot be changed. Among others are:

Genetics / Descent, In families, if there are family members who have suffered from diabetes can increase the occurrence of diabetes in someone.

Age, age factor determines a person can suffer from diabetes, aging in some organs has decreased function in the organ. One of the organs that most plays a role in diabetes is the pancreatic organ, because these organs can experience a decrease in the production of the hormone insulin. Because as you get older, it will be very good if you are old

I don't think that Diabetes can be cued permanently. 

However, through proper measure it can be controlled and its side effects can be reduced.  

If it is not controlled or monitor properly many complication may arise. 

It is therefore, very important to keep blood sugar levels in targeted range so as to reduce the risk of diabetes complications and improve your quality of life. Followings are step which can help to reduce the blood sugar level:-

Exercise: Exercise consumes the blood sugar and thus the lowers the sugar level.

Carbohydrates: For high blood sugar it is advised to reduce the intake of carbohydrates.

Fiber: Increase the intake of fiber diets as it take time to digest, so helps to maintain the sugar level.

Water: High sugar patients are advised to stay hydrated so as to maintain the bold sugar level.

Stress: Stress also effects the sugar levels, so try to have stress management. 

Monitor: It is very necessary for high sugar patients to regularly monitor the sugar level.

Medicine: High sugar patients should regularly visit to their doctor and take the advised medicine regularly as per doctor’s prescription.