Food for Your Heart

in #health6 years ago

HEART part 4

Not only the brain, but also our heart must also be fed. Healthy foods are needed by the heart to work normally. Not all of the foods we eat are good for our heart, we must be careful in choosing food, so that the food we eat can nourish all our organs.

Today @HealthWizard will discuss about good food for your heart.

Healthy Foods for the Heart :

  • Asparagus

Asparagus has a very important nutrient content for the heart, such as fiber, Vitamin B, and folic acid. Vitamin B in asparagus serves to regulate the homocysteine system that can prevent heart attacks. In addition, the content of anti-inflammatory substances in asparagus can also prevent heart attacks.

  • Orange

The content of fiber, Vitamin C, Choline, and potassium found in oranges is very useful to maintain heart health. In addition, the potassium content in oranges contain many minerals electrolyte that serves to regulate the heartbeat.

  • Pumpkin

Pumpkin is a very important food to maintain heart health. Inside the flasks contain magnesium that can serve to create Adenine Triphosphate, process the DNA and RNA systems that play a role to pump the heart. In fact, the magnesium content in the pumpkin also plays a role to regulate the working system of blood vessels that can prevent heart attacks and strokes.

  • Papaya

Papaya contains many antioxidants, vitamin C and vitamin A that serves to prevent the oxidation process in the body cholesterol. This process is closely related to a heart attack that can happen very quickly. Antioxidants contained in papaya can prevent the accumulation of plaque in the blood vessels that are usually the cause of heart attacks.

  • Chocolate

Besides being very tasty, chocolate also contains important substances that can prevent heart attacks. In chocolate there is fiber, magnesium, manganese, iron and other contents such as zinc, selenium, potassium and phosphorus. Chocolate also contains flavonoids that fall into the category of prosianidin and epicatein. These two substances are essential for controlling the amount of oxidation of bad cholesterol, increasing blood flow from the arteries to the heart, and reducing the risk of blood clots in the heart.

The heart is the most important organ for our body. When our heart stops, our lives stop. We must be as much as possible to maintain our heart health.

Your life is precious, you must stay healthy to be able to enjoy this beautiful life, have a healthy body, a healthy heart, and a healthy mind will make you more happy, so... stay beautiful and healthy. Please be nice to your body, so if you interest in our articles, please be sure follow @HealthWizard. Be Happy and be Healthy

Thank's steemian'

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