Amazing adjustments to my life since i joined steemit... Steemjustments

Hello everyone.. My name is Herby and i hope that you are a priest or approved confession receptor(if that's even a phrase) because its confession time for meIMG_20171231_115348.jpg
Alright.. So i joined steemit approximately two weeks ago(don't know what took me this long) and amazingly in as short a time as that seems, i have never been more intrigued or inspired(and addicted, Rev. Pls take note) by any social media platform or online activity at that. Lets see if i can break it down a little bit![IMG_20171225_122904.jpg]
Firstly... My pc(and phone) and i have become really good friends. You know that feeling when you after a full day, you get home famished and the roast in the oven just refuses to get done.. You suddenly just find out how much you love the kitchen, how slow time is, how much everything in your house suddenly sounds like your ovens timer and how you really don't care if its half cooked or not(that's until you get full and you start getting the status report from your teeth).. That's how it is with myself my pc and steemit. I am always craving for new posts, always wanting to see more. Most times i am really interested in posting, i just want to see what others are doing. It is absolutely refreshing to see people break out of the shell of "copy and paste" and actually take out time to be original and create sensible content.
Also i have recently gotten a fresh drive to start writing(Hey.. Don't give me that funny look.. Raise your hands if steem dollars was not one of your major motivators to start posting here). My notepad and i have fully reconciled(for great cause) and while steem started the drive to write, i have just renewed my passion for it, the freedom to express myself in writing has been mind blowing and i am sure i can't stop again for anything in the world.
Did i tell you how i lost my virginity(to crypto i mean.. Get your mind outta the ditch). Steem dollars were my first cryptos and now i just can't get my head out of it(another addiction Rev). Steemit opened my eyes to a whole new world of possibilities(and funds) and I'm so not going anywhere anytime soon.
In summary. In 2 weeks, steemit has radically transformed my mindset and i must stay, i am one of the proudest steemians there is. It really has been an amazing adjustment.
Much love steemians


man you looking handsome 😍😍