Are Ufos and little green men real?

in #science7 years ago


Over the course of my life I have always been interested in ufos and aliens. I remember watching shows on T.L.C and discovery channel when I was kid that discussed this very matter. Hollywood has capitalized on this phenomena and made lots of money from it. The questions that are on everyone's mind is, are they real, and have they ever visited us?

There are numerous government whistle-blowers who have given testimonies that suggest they have either seen a ufo or come in direct contact with an alien. The question is, how is that possible when the government tells us that aliens have never visited us here on this planet? So the conspiracy theory goes a little something like this, apparently the U.S government has made contact with a particular alien group known as the grays. The grays made an agreement with the U.S government that they would trade technology with them in exchange for letting them take certain humans into their ships for genetic harvesting. The government agreed and told the grays they would have to report how many people they took into their ships. Unfortunately the grays did not report how many people they took and started taking many more people than was expected.

The U.S government was supposedly aware of this but did not stop it because they were getting advanced technology from the grays. So it was a "win win" situation. The U.S government got some nice new toys to play with and the grays got the genetic material they needed. So the question is why did the grays need human genetics? Supposedly the grays are a dying race that lost their ability to procreate so they decided to mix their genetics with humans to create a new species. 

All of this may seem like nonsense but there are many people who take this stuff very seriously. For example back in May of 2001 there was a meeting at the National Press Club organized by a man named Steven Greer. Steven Greer brought together 400 ex U.S government employees who had secret knowledge of ufos and aliens. One of these eye witnesses (SGT Clifford Stone) claimed that the U.S government is aware of many different types of aliens and is keeping it secret due to people being unable to handle the truth. 

 The meeting was called The Disclosure Project, and was attended by a lot of people. Many books, articles and documentaries have been made since The Disclosure Project which discuss the alien phenomena. The information that has been provided by all of these different sources has been convincing for some and not convincing for others. Nonetheless, the question remains are we alone in the universe? With the plethora of stars in our Galaxy alone it is quite possible that one of those stars has a planet that inhabits the Goldilocks zone and allows for life. 

If that is the case, then we may not be alone in the universe and there may be simple life forms or even an entire civilization living on another planet. Time will tell whether we are alone or not. With all of the new planets being discovered it may be only a matter of time before we discover alien life. We may even discover simple life forms on planets like mars or watery moons like Europa. 

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