Ethics and Morality of Basic Income.

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

The highest pinnacle of society.

Basic income for all people, in order to eliminate poverty, and dismantle social classes.

Basic income's most core concept is allowing anyone to acquire enough money to live each day in a modern establishment, such as a house or condominium, and have access to electricity, fresh water, food, and a computer, without having to work or beg.

The true word for basic income is this: Free money.

Thus, skepticism shall be highly valued here.

The question upon the surface of my mind, and perhaps yours, is this: Will it work?

I could imagine fears that the people will grow lazy, fat, entitled, and absolutely wretched. Rat paradise. Like John Calhoun's morally troublesome, but enlightening experiment, he put mice into a paradise.

Beautiful buildings. Endless food. All the sex they could get. And so they bred, and had their fill. They filled the perfect little simulation world up, living in perfect happiness.

Until it turned into a nightmare. Utter chaos and dystopia. They grew hideous, murderous, pathetic as their familes broke down and they became isolated and corrupted.

Yet, mice lack a certain thing that we have. Although a mouse can satisfy all of its most basic needs, it still lacks one thing, and very likely lacks the philosophical competence to think of it.

It lacks advanced technology, and the ability to build computers, as well as have glorious dreams and aspirations.

Computers are able to sort basic income funds, and manage them in such a way as to provide people incentives for using their funds to build great things.

Of course a human given everything it needs to survive may very likely turn into that which evolution itself despises, and our civilization could collapse as people become vain, entitled, and simply monstrous.

Or there could be a path that encourages people to continue to build upon society.

People could become teachers of anything, even how to build advanced technology, or concepts beyond what we are taught these days. You could have children learn from birth how microchips and data processing work. Why have them learn obedience to authority or elementary job skills at school, when you could train them specifically in one area, so that they don't need to bother with other areas?

They could become gifted. Have the child learn about their true interest, and because they will have access to basic income for what we must assume will be their entire life, they will not need to worry about anything else except developing their skills.

We could have experts able to build anything they wanted, with skills beyond what we see in the current world.

But who will work for them?

Who will work if there is already free money to go around? Well, I certainly would. Why not? I would for sure join skilled teams that help build and create, and because you could still make money, it could be quite common for many people to want to make above basic income, to have an extra nice life. It could even be a coming of age tradition: By your 30th birthday, create something amazing, something worth all that you have to give to the world.

It could be farming skills, or building computers, programming, dealing with infrastructure, create an artful masterpiece, or anything else useful.

Or you could just not do that.

You could eat delicious food. Watch the best movies and TV shows. Look at art that people create. Read stories or essays. You could just use birth control, practice safe sex, and satisfy your desires in the pursuit of pleasure, with whomever is willing.

If the world doesn't need human workers, but we still have plenty of room for humans, and excess food as well, why not give these people far more freedom, the freedom to just live a lazy, fun life?

But I don't think this life will be very common. People want responsibility and purpose.

If you do not give it, they will take it. There are people with true passions for creation and invention, and producing art. They will do it.

But what if it fails for economic reasons? What if there are people with dark hearts, who wish to usurp the power of basic income, and use it to their advantage?

Of course it is normal for people to be greedy, but is excessive greediness a mindset we want regarding this?

Those with money to fund business would have to cease business with overly greedy and power hungry people. They would have to be denied access to the economy, because what if they were to start to use their basic income to fund war?

To build bombs or weapons, or even to perform terrible experiments upon the unwilling? They could try to create cults, and other pyramid schemes to collect even more money and power. They could try to use it to change public policy according to their will, even spread propaganda that poverty is trendy, such as living in a tiny house, or using services for things like housing, cars, even phones or usage of other necessary infrastructure, rather than actually owning such things, just to keep certain people or groups of people weaker than they.

If people were able to lower how much each person received in their basic income, it could ensure that the people always received only just enough, to keep them weak, and keep them helpless and dependent, rather than free, and with their own personal power.

The most greedy, insatiable fiends could desire to oppress others, to tell them that it's wrong to do drugs or have fun sex, wrong to just look at art, wrong to just enjoy life, not because of any real harm, but because of weird, intrusive moral codes or dark-age cultural norms. Concepts that only make sense in a more medieval world, but not here. Not in the new world of basic income. If oppression was to rear its ugly head, what must we do?


Fight, I say.

Don't tell me that we would put up with this in a new world.

If there was ever such a wicked threat to people, even in the grand new world of the future, where humans ought to be free, but are not free, then we must fight back.

The most promising form of basic income would be one that is not sponsored by the state, but instead, created by free people by their own will, to ensure that basic income is not forced upon anyone, but instead, is a voluntary thing that anyone could sign up for, perhaps by an initial contribution to the economy, or just by birth, if sponsored by another entity. Even if the state was to contribute to a private basic income source, all that matters is that control of the basic income is put into the hands of the people, by the authority of code, or other non-violable or manipulable mechanism.

There are already systems being developed in the cutting-edge of the cryptocurrency realm.

Steemit is the most prototype version of this idea, being a way for anyone to make money easily, just by creating interesting content. Others strive to do more, such as Manna and Viva. Both of those seek to become a source of true basic income.

Manna's planned functionality is maintained by the value of it on the market, as well as a charity foundation that will use donations to give it value. It's distributed to those that use its social network, Ekata.

Viva functions simply: It uses the investments and money of regular people to fund capitalistic business endeavors, whose transaction fees are then recycled back into the system, to be distributed as basic income. The amount received is based upon the needs for living in a modern society.

Viva's most honorable aspect is that it became popular on Steemit early on, giving the freedom-loving, anarchistic types a chance to wear a crown. To give power to those that resist power? Quite unheard of, yet somehow glorious. It could allow the Vivaconomy a chance to truly shine, in ways that no other monetary system has ever done before. The sheer power within it is worth notice. I recommend noticing it, for it already half-way exists.

Yet, in the world today, we are still living in a dark age.

Oppressive social norms keep us obedient, keep us compliant. We work our 40+ hour a week jobs. We pay our taxes. We follow the laws. We do as we're told.

We don't have time to paint, no time to invent. We just struggle to get by, even if there is seemingly enough. It's not a proper way to live, yet, here we are.

Basic income, save us! Save us from our monetary oppression. Let us live the life we truly desire.



You have made some very important insights on this topic. What I found from your message is the paradox of paradise. We do not actually want free money, we want to make more money than we need to maintain our lives in this modern world. We do need more time to enjoy life and pursue the philosophical arts. But one leads to the other and vice is present at every turn. If we have it too easy we grow lethargic and complacent, if we have it too difficult we grow lethargic and complacent. We want wealth, but we do not perceive the flaws of wealth until we have it. We do not want to live in poverty but wars keep happening. Balance in all things and pursuing ones interests both privately and publicly seems to me to be key for the happiness and fulfillment we all seek.

I absolutely agree with you, it is balance in everything between people that will make this world happy, and not money, wealth, power ...
We need to try to stick to this opinion! Good luck! Thanks for the great comment!

A very interesting and controversial post I personally don't think everything should be handed out on a plate! You need to work and help yourself sometimes and if you can't then yes society and the government should help you get back on your feet. Just giving without a set plan or loop holes will create households full of people taking from the big magic money pot and giving nothing back to help those in a more serious predicament than themselves, but do nothing about it because they're getting paid to do not a right lot 😂

Thank you for the post!

I think this is a pretty dim view of people. Honestly, I think this sort of view likely reflects more on the person holding it than those they are projecting it on. UBI (and psychological) experiments show that this isn't actually reflected by reality. To think that most people have no goals or wants or desires and would just choose to sit around and vege out, is pretty ridiculous. Would you? Seriously?

I'm not sure I suppose I am still pretty young with plenty of life experience still to have, so I suppose I'll have to get back to you on that one

Great article!

I like the idea of this being voluntary in the sense that people are freely sourcing this Basic Income and people are freely signing up to get it. This is not taxing others' productivity. This is people who voluntarily decide to give money to a Basic Income distribution system.

Grantcoin, now Manna, is a charity that people can give to, if they want to support Basic Income. Or people can buy VIVA crowns or otherwise participate in the VIVAconomy. If its done voluntarily without government coercion then it makes sense to me. I am a member of both of these programs.

Of course there will be abuse and this does not solve every problem. But people who are now dying of poverty will be able to stabilize and have the chance to consider needs the nest step up Maslow's pyramid.

There was a great short story in a recent issue of Wired Magazine on Basic Income. The people of a poor town were doing better with this program but many were blowing their monthly payment early in the month on the usual things. Not unlike some paycheck to paycheck people who then need to get a payday loan. Like I said, some issues will be improved but not every social ailment will be cured.

I like the idea of this being voluntary in the sense that people are freely sourcing this Basic Income and people are freely signing up to get it. This is not taxing others' productivity...


people who dont know how money work are dangerous. They just think that the government can print money forever without creating HYPERinflation. Universal basic income will be INFLATIONAYRY, and the only way to avoid that is to strictly control the consumption of people

Thanks for your reply. I think that it might be good if Basic Income is NOT done by the government, and with money that people voluntarily convert from fiat to cryptocurrency and give or invest in the platform providing the Basic Income in the form of cryptocurrency. This is happening now in the 2 programs mentioned and I am happy to be part of this experiment. My opinion is, let's collect data on how it works out and see the effects objectively based on the data.

it always starts with a good intention but any monetary system has created collusion because everybody follows it. And people who promote basic income in whatever fashion, often work for big corporations.

I am the founder of a endeavor dedicated to a money-free system, there are 3 organizations like this so far worldwide that I am aware of. And this idea is spreading too.

I just went to your blog and see you have written about Basic Income. You've obviously given this all a lot of thought. I followed and hope to learn more about your ideas. Wishing you all the best!

yes, at least we agree that that life cannot be capitalized upon. Cheers and stay in touch, I mean it :)

Except that that isn't necessarily true. Both in practice (in previous and ongoing experiments) and also in theory (it depends on where the money comes from and what monetary school of thought you subscribe to).

People who argue against basic income say that people are inherently bad and lazy and nothing will get done. Most people are not lazy and want a purpose. Have you ever seen that Black Mirror episode "White Christmas" where simulations were tortured with boredom, some of them even going insane? Most people aren't content to do nothing with their lives. Most of us can't even stand doing nothing for a few minutes.

I am against it and trust human creativity. See my other posts in this thread

Basic income will probably have to result in a very minimal quality of life in order to work. If you want anything more than government issued cheese and a tent you might need to find a job. If we did do this most employers would probably need to pay better.

exactly, the gov will not pay for anything extra, and how LONG can it last before people begin to get frustrated. What if the gov calculations allows you "no more than 3 pairs of pants per year" ?? People today imagine basic income as an ideal solution because it would still complement traditional income but the picture will be entirely different when it is all that is to make ends meet.

welcome back George Orwell!

Thanks, I will definitely post this post on my page!

I am sure basic income is a good thing for all. If people don't have to worry about how to survive, they can be creative, do with great passion what they love, and make world better place.

Wealth generation doesn't just happen. Where does the funding for this basic income come from?

Where does the funding for this basic income come from?

it is no longer about money but total control at this stage, centuries on relying on governments to tell us how to live. This has a price tag.

Where does the funding for anything come from? It comes from the loaning into existence of new money. The only difference here is where the new money is being spent and what we value more (as an example compare financial speculation to people surviving and being consumers).

...are you serious? You don't loan money into existence. Money is a tangible good. You might be talking about currency, but unless that currency has some sort of limits on how easy it is to acquire, it's going to be worthless. The only reason the dollar is worth anything is because there's a lot of guys with guns and missiles threatening people to keep using it to buy and sell oil.

Money is currency. All financial transactions require the exchange of money. If all those exchanges lead to economic growth, then that's new money in the system (minus a bit due to the small amount of base money in circulation and minus a small amount to account for the velocity of money through the system). Virtually all new money comes from commercial bank loans. Only a small amount comes from the federal reserves printing new money.

Money isn't currency. Currency is a stand-in for money (or should be). Fiat currency is not money.

I'm not sure what point you are trying to make. I don't see the distinction between the two, and in any case you asked where does the "funding" come from. Funding is money.

Money is a medium of exchange that is durable, fungible, transferable, scarce, and divisible. Currency is a representation of that money in the form of a receipt or promissory note. Currency is not money because it is generally not durable, and it's not scarce as more notes can be printed, which reduce the value of every other promissory note. You can't create wealth out of thin air.

So, to return to my question: who provides the funding for this? Your contention that central banks don't print currency is fallacious. Case in point, quantitative easing by the Federal Reserve over the last 10 years. Literally trillions of dollars created out of nothing. Moreover, if you're going to rely on a central bank to provide the currency for this scheme, you're tacitly agreeing that violence and force has to be used against people in order to pay for it in the form of taxation.

Havent seen any model that would or could work.

Intrinsically it also does not make sense. Any being in this world has to fight for its right to life. Its impossible to remove that requirement. It only works by takinng away from others: in short this means punishing productive people and rewarding unproductive ones. That will always destroy any society.

Not if the productive people are able to use a machine that allows them to be worth the labor of more than one person.

Even if the state was to contribute to a private basic income source, all that matters is that control of the basic income is put into the hands of the people, by the authority of code, or other non-violable or manipulable mechanism.... The true word for basic income is this: Free money.

Do you understand economics? You really think money grows on threes? Are you aware that economics has been manipulated since ever by the very few? You want people to decide how much money they need for themselves, the choice to live in a house or condominium? How serious is that?

What is value and who quantifies it, who will also define what and HOW MUCH an individual needs to live? if everybody gets the same, sorry that is collectivism.

Printing money (digits on a computer) is also inflationary, HYPERinflationary (our housing bubble is still there almost as big as it was before it popped in 2008), and this means that rationing will be under tight control so production and consumption do not go out out whack. Wanna a 2nd ice cream? NO... want a 2nd laptop: NO... etc...

moreover, it is the deep knowledge of economics that condones a money-free system, simply because there wont be any job... and the passion of doing what one really wants will REMAIN the only currency.

Obsolete — Full Documentary Official (2016)

Have you had a chance to check out Grantcoin/Manna or VIVA? Funds are voluntarily provided to these programs so I don't see how it is punishing anyone who gives freely without coercion.

I got a bellyRub and this post has received a 8.95 % upvote from @bellyrub thanks to: @heretickitten.

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