Randy Hilarski You Have a Great Network Please Join My MLM.

in #mlm7 years ago (edited)


Daily I Get Invitations from Across the Web Concerning Some New Razzle Dazzle MLM Bitcoin or Crypto Currency Business.

The exchange usually goes like this.

Facebook friend request from the person.
I see we have mutual crypto currency contacts, approved.

MLM Person- "Thank you for connecting."
Me- "No problem I look forward to your posts."
MLM Person- "Wow, you really have an extensive online following."
Me- "Yes, it took years to build."
MLM Person- Variations of this, "Do you use Bitcoin?", "I see you like Bitcoin."
Me- "Yes I love Bitcoin."
MLM Person- "Would you be interested in checking out an amazing Bitcoin technology, business etc?"
Me- "Is it MLM?"
MLM Person- "Why does it matter?"
Me- "I don't do MLM."
MLM Person- "Why, this is a great opportunity!"
Me- "I suck at MLM".
MLM Person- "Let me show you how it can work."
Me- "Not interested Sparky."
MLM Person- "You are missing out."
Me- "No, not really."
MLM Person- "Good luck to you."
Me- "You also."

Then the MLM person is now in my news feed. I usually have to delete them from my friends list or unfollow them within a few days.

Why I Don't do MLM.

  1. MLM companies come and go and I do not want to associate my reputation with something that has such a low chance of long term success.
  2. We do very well with our business and I don't want to add a distraction.
  3. I have done a multitude of MLM businesses when I was younger and frankly I failed miserably.
  4. Bitcoin and CryptoCurrency does not need to be associated with MLM. It is freaking amazing without MLM.


Sometime, you just wish you could downvote them on Facebook like this:

Haha that's hilarious, I love it!

Preach it, son. So much this. MLM's bother me because they seem to be manipulating market forces by their very nature.

Market: Hey, want to buy something? You get this much of a product/service for this amount of value.

Me: Cool deal. I'm in.

MLM: Hey, want to buy something? I'll give you a financial incentive outside of the actual value of the product/service so you'll work as my marketing engine to convince others to sign up also.

Me: So... you're telling me the product isn't good enough to stand on its own merit in the market place? Sounds like a real long-term winner there, sport. </sarcasm>

MLM's are nothing more than legalized pyramid schemes .. good for you that you are out of it... crypto does'nt require MLM.

As one who works in the MLM buisness, no as a distributor but on the corporate side, it really does take the right kind of person, product and company to really do things well. Those that stay around are rare indeed, a gem here and there but really, like you said so many come and go, one hit wonders. Good on you for sticking to what you know! I could never be on the other side of things. Not my gig.

CryptoCurrency does not need to be associated with MLM

If those people knew how harmful MLM can be to crypto

They are definitely trying. We see what happened with Onecoin.

If crypo worked like MLM i would not like it either. Don't worth of my confidence...

That cat though !!! 😂

LOL, Great read. Hopefully i can build my network up as well as yours. you have a new follower. i hope you follow me as i need the support.

Everyday i get tons of these invites - I suck to on MLM - tried a bit - but they are mainly all the same......

I guess you don't want to hear about my amazing offer of oceanfront property on the planet Galacti-Ceuticals, then. :/


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