in #success6 years ago

Hello everyone. After getting review from @cannasbisguy460 on my last article I decided to write on this topic. What is success? A debate can be done on this topic. It's not just a word, SUCCESS is the motive of life of many people. Those who get what they want are known as successful people and those who fail are termed as LOSERS.

Firstly, according to dictionary success means: THE ACCOMPLISHMENT OF AN AIM OR PURPOSE. Success may mean different for different people and I asked two or three people about what success mean to them. Here goes the answers.

  1. The first person answered that if her children get successful in their lives then that will be her real success.

  2. Second is a kid for whom success means getting into Indian Cricket Team.

  3. Third and most beautiful answer I got was that success is inner happiness. The third person also gave an example that suppose if he is a coder and earn 1 million then he will not be happy, but if he starts his business and earns 2 million he will be very happy and will call himself a successful person.

So what we can infer from all these answers is that success mean different to different souls. It is also possible that meanings of success may count up-to number of souls present on this earth.

For a student success may mean passing all his exams, for a player success may mean to get to play internationally, for a painter success may mean to sell his painting at a higher price, for a saint success may mean self enlightenment, for a beggar success may mean earning a lot of money or winning some lottery, for a mother success may mean pleasing her children. So we can't surely define what success actually mean and we can not impose our terms of success on others. Our aim should be to create a world where people are free to think and decide their life and what they want from it.

Now when this topic has arisen let us look into ourselves and try to find out what is success for us. Let us take a break and ask ourselves a few questions.

Ask yourself what you want in life and if possible make a list.

Then sort out that list and ask yourself what is that thing in your life that after getting that you will say to yourself that now I'm a successful person. My motive of life is done by my side.

Let us do this self analysis and try to find out what makes us most happy.

Are you ready for this self-analysis? If yes then take this as an opportunity to find out who you are and what you want as success in your life. And if any of you succeed in this then comment and tell others as well.

Gather the courage and answer this question honestly- WHAT IS SUCCESS FOR YOU?


Hi Himani
It was a admirable read. Sucess is realative from person to person but happiness comes from small small things and people around us. For me its financial fredoom and fitness and few more things.
Thanks for the write up

Good read again! I don't have the time right now, but keep an eye out and I'll post an article to your final question by Saturday night... I'm still learning this site or I would know how to message you directly by now lol. By the way @cannabisguy420

For relatives success is greeting a good job
For me success is being happy for eternity

100 %,someone happy with 10 upvote and someone is not happy with 1000 upvote

Hilarious but true 😂

In life many stages come and in that we have to Survive.....which means to get your life

Great effort was done in the post @himanitokas keep it up.
For me, success is a journey as the wants of a person never finish.
Lets take example from your post: Suppose the coder started a business and became successful in it. But the maybe he wants to expand the business, maybe he wants to quit his job and start another business. I think you are getting my point.
So success is a journey for me, journey filled with learning,achieveing, and helping.

success is when i can something for my family.
i feel i am a succesful person

woow you research very deeply..

@himanitokas very nice blog on success, your vision is very good

Success is anouther word for achieving desired goal.
Also as we know that comfort & satisfaction is the primary goal of every person! Let us get peace in what we have & fight for what we can improve ! But not to fight for what others have & we don’t.

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