Art Explained By A Writer: The Second Class Compartment

in #storylast month

art review 1807(8).jpg

He asked her company, just with the little brother was no fun but he would make a great chaperone. No one would know.
A ride by the train, the second compartment sounded exciting. She said yes.
Happily, he went to the station to make the reservation.
There was no need to tell her where they would head to.
A trip was a trip and second was better than third.
This time he would pay the price without complaining about money.

She dressed up nicely.
Blushes on the cheeks of the pale skin that rarely met a sunbeam.
Sunday dress, best shoes, some rouge
This would be her first journey by train
Later, she thought, she would share it with the world.

Hans Ole Brasen - The Second Class Compartment (1900?)

It was great, the three of them enjoyed themselves.
The other passengers looked more experienced or was it fear or annoyment?
Everything was new, the view was great and the wooden benches didn't hurt as thought.

Young lady, a woman with a sour face said, please temper your voice a bit
This isn't a private carriage
The man next to them frowned but they didn't care after all this was the journey of the year.

Painter: Hans Ole Brasen
Painting: The Second Class Compartment - date: unknown - public domain

The contest Art & Writing is hosted by @solperez


Definitivamente, mientras algunos la pasan bien; otros se amargan, jeje. La chica estaba feliz por su viaje, en segunda clase, y por la compañía de los caballeros. Sin embargo, la felicidad de ellos era motivo de disgusto para otros pasajeros. ¿Será, acaso, envidia? Jajaja. Creo que sí.