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RE: 100 DAYS OF STEEM : Day 52 - Weekly Roundup #7

Up until the last hard fork, in my mind, Steemit inc had the moral high ground.

However to take all steem from all the @theycallmedan's accounts, without rectifying your mistake will render Steem worthless.
Who in their right mind would invest with this behavior going on?
You need to return ALL funds immediately.


You know they won't. Exit Steem, power down. Accounts and funds are NOT safe here.

They must return the funds.
How much did they take from you?

31,249 STEEM

They took many more from others, including who has done nothing but mine and power up STEEM for the entire account history.

They also took this guy's STEEM who has no connection to the rest of the people. They just saw a target who wouldn't fight back and stole from him.

The fact that it went in liquid form to the @community321 account, which they thought they owned, means they were going to keep it for themselves.

they must give it back. Not to to return the funds is suicide

Fuck they must give it
Back. Not to to return the
Funds is suicide

                 - hone.heke

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

That may be Sun's ultimate goal, if there's any logic to him.

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