Today my article Post

in APPICS13 days ago

I asked a woman if you want to have the same rights as men
So he gave a surprising answer
He said that
I don't want equal rights


When I asked for details, he explained something like this
In my property
There is a share from the father
There is a share from the brother
There is a share from the son
There is a share from the husband
When I become equal to men, I will lose these rights
If I do a job somewhere, I am given a facility in the job
My loss in equal rights is greater
Bunk Hospital Market Everywhere I get relief on ladies first principle
When I go to meet my father, he meets me standing and greets my brother while sitting
If we go somewhere out of town, husband and daughter have to carry their own handbags, and that's it, the rest of the luggage is left to the sons and their fathers.
Once the car stopped on the way, my son and wife pushed me by holding the steering wheel.
All big and heavy work automatically falls on men
I never have to go to pay bills, never have to run after the paint guy, never have to brainstorm with the electrician.
It has never been my responsibility to earn, my wife has to leave to earn
I will never say that I did not cook anything today, it was hot, or I was not in the mood, so food came from the market, there is no compulsion, but they do not have a day off from work.
I can tell someone to pick up their clothes and shoes, they can't do that
I am entitled to my wife's income, mine only
My clothes are more expensive than them, my shoes have more fabrics than them,
I get such countless benefits,
I will trade loss with equal rights???
Do I look so crazy???