My Entry to Create your top 10 photography albums. [Your album your memories] by @wo-photography
A beautiful weekend indeed. Hopefully, all of you guys got a wonderfully terrific weekend as much as had.
Last month and this month I had been enjoyed sea outings. My entry would be all about it. So without any further ado, here is my admission to @wo-photography Create your top 10 photography albums contest.
The first 5 pictures above were taken just this month. We were in Punta Engaño Beach to commemorate a very special event of my friend's life which is her wedding day and that will be come about this month also. Congratulations to her I know she would be an amazing mother and a wife.
The second set of five pictures was taken last month. We were having a Island hopping in the Island of Olango together with my co-teachers. I also had a blog about it, you can check it on my profile.
Editing App: Lightroom
Greatly, thank you all and @wo-photography for this opportunity