Wandering Around Almost Naked on A Ferry

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Do you remember what you do when you are drunk?

I don't always!

I tend to stay away from liqueurs these days, as they have caused way too much mischief in my life.

This particular time it was ouzo (an anise flavoured liqueur popular in Greece).

It was an exciting, but frightening time in 1997, but my Bosnian boyfriend Armin had convinced me to visit Croatia and Bosnia for the two months over the summer holidays. We had no firm plans, or places to stay, except for Sarajevo where his brother lived.

By the time we had reached Ancona, to get the ferry to Split. We had done Venice and had a totally amazing and memorable gondola ride, but we couldn't find (nor afford) a place to stay, so we had slept on the steps of Venice train station for half the night, before being moved on. We then found a boat taxi shelter and slept there until about 5am when the services started up.

Oh my god, Venice is beautiful, but there are swarms of cockroaches on the streets at night. (The bugs, I'm not calling people cockroaches here).

So I should have been tired and slept on the ferry, right?

So we boarded the ferry...

I was sat in the bar area of the ferry enjoying a tipple or three, with Armin and his friend Damir. I was probably amusing myself, as no doubt they would have been chatting away together in another language. (I certainly know how to pick 'em, errr not.)

When it was time to sleep, we lay over some unused chairs and slept, well Armin and Damir did.

They awoke to find me gone.

I had somehow managed to find my way back to bar, which would have involved wandering around most of the ferry to get there...

...in just my underwear!

But I doubt mine was even matching.

But 20 years ago, I was slim, blonde and pretty, so pretty glad I didn't get into too much trouble, or as far as I know...

I was found sleeping, sat up a stool, with my head on the bar and someone else's sandals on.

The first thing I remember is looking at my feet and thinking "these are not my sandals".

I don't/won't drink too much these days. I like fruit cider and the odd glass of wine, but I won't put myself in positions like that again. That particular example wasn't particularly life changing, but a warning in hindsight I should have taken heed of.


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Think a lot of us have some stories when too much grog takes over, lol O.o......still drink wine but avoid liquor like the plague. Funny and "sobering" story.

Yes no more liquor for me. I have no ideas of my limits and Malibu I enjoy too much. I could happily drink that and coke all day and night, but I quite like my teeth, so I don't :)

Lol, this gave me a laugh. Someone else's sandals indeed!

Apparently they asked for them back, whilst my boyfriend was there, while I was still asleep and he said 'no' because he thought they were mine. No way they were mine, they were proper Jesus creepers.

Hehe, it was good of him to defend your sleeping honour very shoe wise!

I have done some embarrassing things I bet when I have been drunk thank god I don't remember them though :P

Its the snippets of memory that suddenly wake you up in the middle of the night and you wonder if it was just dream or you are having a flashback.

I don't drink at all! In my past, when I was still a young snakey, I had my fair share of drunk moments but I think when I turned 20 I quit drinking all together! Never touched it again!

Have a marvelous day!

I wish I did when I was 20, would have given my life a whole different course. Still I can make the most of now and that's what is important.

That's why I don't drink too much :D and always control myself if I'm over drunk xD even if I'm Russian and you all think I drink vodka, but I prefer cognac

I don't/won't drink too much these days. I like fruit cider and the odd glass of wine, but I won't put myself in positions like that again. That particular example wasn't particularly life changing, but a warning in hindsight I should have taken heed of. I used to visit the cognac region of France a lot when I was little as my dad had a holiday house in that area.

A wise tale of caution.

Lucky I guess YouTube wasn't around then ... 😊

You've Been Framed was and am I showing my age if I mention Beadle's About?

Haha thats a pretty interesting drunken tale. I have had my fair share of drunk stories to tell over the years and I'm sure there will be many more. As they say, no good stories ever start with the line "This one time when I was drinking water"

You know what, I might have to try a story with that line now, just to see if I can write a good story starting "This one time when I was drinking water". That so reminds of American Pie.

Hahaha. That's an interesting experience, say what you will about getting drunk but it does make for good stories. I have never gotten drunk though.

yes they do, embarrassing stories, or ones you'd rather forget or rewind. No more of those thank you :)

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