Stability Is Key

in Project HOPE3 years ago

Image source - Pixabay

Stability is fundamentally very important in the life of anybody. You can't enjoy a life without balance. Balance is everything, imagine for one second with me, that you go out to buy your favorite drink, and on one day it's tasting really lovely, the next day it's tasting salty, another day it's tasting in a way you don't even understand. You'll see that you can't call it your favorite drink anymore, simply because the brand is unstable.

The world as we have it, is a very chaotic place. If you don't make sure to hold things together, by nature things want to break down and fall apart. Most things are very unstable. And that's why a man that can bring stability to an unstable and chaotic world would really make huge profit. If you take a look at the billionaires of today, you'll notice that they have brands, and keep their standard super high and stable. Hence, you can put your trust in them.

Stability is essential because if you're unstable. If one minute you're this way, and another minute you're that way. Tell me, how will you be able to run yourself, let alone run your business, and sustain everything around you. In these times that we are, things are moving really fast. The need for personal stability, and having a high standard is increasing daily. The competitions between brands are stiff. You must be the most stable for you to thrive.

Image source - Pixabay

Even when you want to invest in people. You must think first about the stability of that person. You don't want to be throwing your hard earn money into the life of a person who cannot stay focused and stable on a course. Also, when hiring people to work with you, or perhaps when looking to make a team. Work with stable people. The highest earners in any field, are those that keep on bringing in stable results constantly. People tend to be willing to pay a higher price, for greater certainty and stability.

In your personal life, I don't know if you've ever heard of the saying "Have a stable source of income". It's very crucial. You might be into risky investments and you make some profits there, even at that, you should ensure that you have on one side a stable income. An income that you can rely on, come what may. When you're young, it's the best time to take risk in life, as you're not responsible for any kids yet. But in that pursuit of a bright future that tends to come from taking risks. Ensure you have something more stable going by the side.

In conclusion, in different aspects of life, stability is key, in your personal life you need stability, in your business you need stability. In working with people, you need stable minds to work with. In investing, you need stability as well. You need to work hard in having a high standard for yourself and for things around you. That's basically the way you can have a stable life.

Thanks for reading!

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Stability brings peace to man, financially and every other way. Nice piece

You couldn't have said it better. It brings great peace, when you're having that balance, that stability in your life. Thanks for coming around!

Hi @humor0404 Your post is thoughtful, how difficult it is to maintain stability sometimes, and it is very important to be aware that we have to do it, thanks for your success

Good things hardly ever come easy. Maintaining stability takes lots of effort. It's difficult as you rightly put it. But very important. And one must strive for stability. We have to do it. Your comment is thoughtful as well. Thanks for coming around!

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