Siz Education | Why Diabetes Disease is More in Pakistan | 10% Siz Rewards To @Siz-Official

in Steem Infinity Zone3 years ago (edited)

Assalamualaikum hopefully u all members are very good..

I'm discuss about how the diabetes disease more in Pakistan..

What is diabetes?

Diabetes is a disease in which our pancreas can't produce the Harmon of insulin as results
When we eat sweet thing results it spread in our blood and insulin is not produce by pancreas as results our blood sugar leval gone higher up and up and our blood pressure and the we feel hard pain of head and our eyesight also effect and our hear beat also effects.

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One thing more pancreas produce it is glucagon
Which is used in low sugar situation it's both Harmon are very important for human life.

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Diabetes has two types

Type 1 in this type this disease coming from birth naturally mean coming from his parents person parents involved in diabetes as results person also involved in diabetes disease.

Type 2 this is the type in which we can not care about our health we use large quantity of sweet dishes and fruit juice and regular use of carbonated beverages these things damage pancreas and results pancreas can't produce insulin more and more that cause diabetes disease in this situation insulin injected from external.

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Can we remission from diabetes?

Type 2 of diabetes can b remission with help of insulin transplant but who disease which comes from his parents through genes it can't be remission it only one solution if we change genes in upcoming child's in this situation we can prevent from this horrible disease.

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Some things if we do regular we can prevent from diabetes

Very less use of sweet thing because its cause diabetes.

Exercise daily because our body fat disolve with regular work out of body..

Use of water in large quantity daily because water prevent different types of disease.

Use of dietry fiber regular 3 time of food because he prevent from obesity.

And don't smoke because smoke is cause very disease.


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I hope u like my post

By @hurairaathar
Thanks @Cryptokraze


Diabetes is now almost in every country and its patients are increasing gradually. Diabetic standards also changed with the passage of time that makes more persons ill

 3 years ago 

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