ORAL HEALTH SERIES [PART 1] || Maintaining Oral Hygiene

in STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE2 months ago (edited)


Recently I posted a comment suggesting new initiatives and projects to which the Steemit team was very welcoming and suggested that they're always open to new ideas. Since then, I have been contemplating new initiatives that I can add value to.

The most important thing while starting anything is to consider your interest in it and not just do it for the sake of getting votes or recognition. If you don't take into account your interest in the topic, you'll be burnt out in a matter of days.

Keeping this approach in mind, the first thing that struck me was to start a valuable series that will teach a lot to the users here on Steemit. As a dentist, it's my daily routine to guide people on basic things such as brushing techniques, flossing techniques, etc.

Brushing one's teeth might seem a very simple thing to do but trust me more than 60% of the people don't carry out in the way it should be carried out. For this reason, I've decided to initiate this series in which I'll be starting from the very basics of things and then moving on to advanced posts.



In this article, I'll be talking about:

  • Brushing Techniques

  • How often should you brush

  • Types of brush to be used

  • Videos to clarify the techniques.


Why should you brush your teeth?

Brushing your teeth isn't just about removing plaque from the surface; it's crucial for maintaining healthy gums too. When you brush, you're not only removing food particles and plaque from your teeth but also massaging your gums, which stimulates blood flow and promotes gum health. This is essential for preventing gingival diseases like gingivitis and periodontitis. Additionally, brushing helps to remove bacteria that can cause inflammation and infection in the gums, leading to further complications if left untreated. So, by brushing regularly, you're not only keeping your teeth clean and bright but also safeguarding the foundation of your oral health – your gums. It's a simple yet immensely important habit that can make a significant difference in your overall well-being.

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How Often Should You Brush?

Generally, dentists recommend brushing twice a day, but the timing is debated. Some argue for brushing immediately upon waking to get rid of the bacteria accumulated overnight, while others advocate for brushing after breakfast to remove food particles. The latter believes brushing after breakfast prevents plaque build-up and potential enamel erosion caused by acidic foods.

However, brushing immediately upon waking has its own merits. Morning breath, caused by reduced saliva flow during sleep, can be removed effectively by brushing first thing. Additionally, removing plaque and bacteria before breakfast helps maintain oral hygiene throughout the day. I believe you should rinse your mouth after breakfast and brush your teeth before eating anything in the morning.

Regardless of timing, dentists stress the importance of gentle brushing. Using a soft-bristled brush and a light touch for two minutes ensures thorough cleaning without damaging enamel. Aggressive brushing can wear down the enamel, leading to sensitivity erosion and other dental issues over time.



Several brushing techniques have been approved by the Dental authorities all over the world. In this section, I'll talk about the most commonly followed brushing techniques.


The Bass Technique

The Bass brushing technique is recommended to people of all ages and is very effective in removing plaque from teeth and the debris beneath the gingiva.

  • Positioning: Hold the toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to the gumline.
  • Strokes: Use short, gentle strokes with the bristles positioned towards the gumline and teeth.
  • Extent: Each tooth should be individually brushed, focusing on both the outer and inner surfaces, as well as the occlusal surfaces.


  • Effective Plaque and Debris Removal: The angled positioning of the brush helps in cleaning the debris beneath the gingiva which results in good gingival health.
  • Helps in preventing Gum Recession: Cleaning the teeth as well as gingiva, prevents gum recession.


  • Trauma to gum: If not done properly, it can cause bleeding to your gums.

Recommended Age

This method is usually for adults as children are not as skilled in brushing the entire lengths of the gumline. For children, there's another simplified technique which I'll explain later.





The Fonnes Method is a modified version of the Bass Technique and is indicated to kids as it's an easy method to follow. It helps in the effective removal of plaque as well as keeps the gums healthy in children.


  • Positioning: Hold the brush at 45° to the gums
  • Strokes: Soft continuous circular strokes
  • Duration: For two minutes


  • Effective Plaque and Debris Removal in Kids: Fonnes Method is the perfect technique for kids through which they can have a thorough cleaning of the teeth and gum line
  • Gum Protection: The Fonnes method keeps gums healthy in children.

  • Subconscious Trauma: Since children might not keep track of time while applying this method, they can exert trauma to their gums.

Recommended age

This technique is recommended for kids under 7 years of age.




Charter Technique

Charter Technique can be the most tricky method out of all three techniques that I have mentioned in the post. Thsi technique is recommended to people who might have teeth spacing, have braces, have fixed partial dentures or any other Orthodontics appliance.


  • Positioning: The positioning of the Charter Technique is quite opposite to that of the Bass method. The bristles of the brush are to be positioned towards the chewing surface at a 45-degree angle on the gum line.
  • Strokes: Soft circular strokes, spending 10-15 seconds at each tooth individually.


Effective Plaque Removal: This method is very effective for patients who have braces. Through gentle strokes, the plaque, which the braces patients have more of comparatively, is removed efficiently.

  • Covers All Tooth Surfaces: The charter method is a comprehensive cleaning technique that covers all tooth surfaces.


  • A Bit Tricky: This method is specifically for patients having appliances in their mouth so it can get a bit tricky to carry out.

Recommended Age Group

This method doesn't have an age recommendation, but rather the condition of your oral cavity such as patients with braces, bridges, fpds, etc.





In conclusion, carrying out effective brushing techniques is essential for maintaining optimal oral health. In this lesson we learned that the Bass technique, with its gentle sweeping motion at a 45-degree angle, targets plaque along the gumline, preventing gum disease and promoting gum health. The Fones technique, characterized by circular motions, provides a thorough clean for children ensuring all tooth surfaces are reached. Lastly, the Charter technique, focusing on small, vibrating movements, effectively removes plaque and debris from hard-to-reach areas, enhancing overall oral hygiene.

Remember, brushing, being of paramount importance, alone is not enough; regular dental check-ups and other oral hygiene practices complement these techniques for a comprehensive approach to dental care. By incorporating these brushing techniques into daily routines, individuals can achieve not only a brighter smile but also long-term oral health and well-being. This was lesson 1 of the Oral Health Series. @pennsif if you could share this series on the Steem news, it might reach a large amount of audience.
Thank you
Dr. @huzaifanaveed1


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