Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom

in #quote7 years ago


It's a great quote and in it's context  I would like to share, just now I'm reading the book 'The seven habits of highly effective people' by Stephen R. Covey, a great book must say. In the second chapter Covey tells of  Viktor Frankel who was imprisoned in the death camps of Nazi Germany, where he experienced things that were so repugnant to our sense of decency that we shudder to even repeat them. His whole family died in the camps or were sent to the gas ovens, except his sister, and he himself suffered torture and innumerable indignities. In the midst of the most degrading circumstances imaginable, Frankl used the human endowment of self-awareness to discover a fundamental principle about the nature of man: "Between stimulus and response, man has the freedom to choose..."

Similar to Tom Hopkins’s formula: SPR-PDR; Stimulus, Pause, and Response. To come up with the best Response in the Pause moment, we have to Practice, Drill, and Rehearse!

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