Life, lies and deceit.

in #life8 years ago

Believe it or not, lies play a crucial role in our lives. From our birth till our death, from the cradle to the grave, we are spoon-fed lies and sugar-coated information that disguises the bitter truth in a sweet way. This process doesn't stop in our childhood, it continues and carries over to our teenage and adult life. Lying is pretty easy to do, which is probably why it's everywhere. Everybody lies. Everybody has lied, and everybody will lie. It's a never-ending cycle that will continue on for eternity. Not only humans lie, animals do too. It's a natural phenomenon, an evolutionary advantage.

How much do you think that you really know about yourself? How much do you know about the world? Or how about the person next to you?

Ask yourself these questions. Chances are you don't know as much as you think. Keeping lying to others aside, we lie even to ourselves. No, you won't achieve that goal tomorrow if you procrastinate today. No, you won't complete the paper if browse reddit now. We lie to feel good about ourselves and to give ourselves the satisfaction for the moment, no matter how much we know that we just lied to ourselves.

We don't know about half the stuff that goes on in the world because it is covered-up, disguised, dressed, and sugar-coated to such a point that it completely changes and becomes something that has no relation to it's original self. It's the truth, believe it or not. If Snowden hadn't revealed all the shady shit NSA is into, do you think that someone had even guessed that we are under surveillance.

"But conspiracy-crackpots have been saying that for centuries!"

Sure they are, but did anyone take them seriously or even bat an eye? Of course not. Because well let's face it, most of the things they say don't even make sense.

If we look at different aspects of civilization, for example technology or corporations, it goes without saying that they are infested with lies and deceit too. Big Pharma, Big Tobacco: do you think that whatever they sell you is purely the truth and professionally researched?

Lying breeds greed. And greed makes us do horrific and disgusting shit. Take a look at Martin Shkreli. He raised the price of an anti-parasitic drug Daraprim by 5,556%. When things like this happen, you can be sure that greed is behind the wheel. It is the ultimate downfall of a society that has infestations of greed and lies. It can never achieve that level of greatness and glory that it may have one day hoped to achieve. That dream is shattered, it's pieces shattered and scattered. It's gone.

But what about an ideal society and civilization i.e one rid of lying.

Lying provides us with a thrill. Some people lie only for the kick that they get out of it. It's thrilling for them to lie to others as it may put them in a dangerous situation or even a beneficial one. So, for them lying becomes a subconscious task. They do it pathologically, regularly and daily. So in a society that's devoid of lying, these people wouldn't exist.

Of course, truth is always better. But some times, lying does us more good than truth ever will in that particularly situation. Everything must not be so black and white. Truth can be hard to digest sometimes, it can be painful and unbearable to hear. Without lies to numb and sweeten it, truth can be like a poison.


The invention of lying has destroyed mankind
and saved it at the same time.

It is the sweet that sweetens the bitter truth,
it is the poison that destroys sweet moments.

It saves you, it destroys you.
From the dark, it hides you.
But unbeknownst, to you,
into the core of darkness it drags you.

A place from which there is no escape,
the void from which not even light can escape.

A place where light hides,
and only darkness resides.

For this, only one cure exists,
Truth! How ever bitter it may be.

For there are times when a drop of poison,
is better than barrels of sweet treats.

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed it.

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