Marijuana and enlightenment

in #marijuana8 years ago

I've had this idea in my head for a long time and haven't really discussed it with anyone.
Anyone that could at least scientifically back up what I've learned, but let's see what you here have to say.

Some background of me:
I've been smoking every single day for a few years now. I go to work and school and maintain a great personal life, despite living in Babylon.

I'm not sure where to begin but, were you aware that while under the influence of cannabis, your melatonin production rises up to 4000% percent? Yes 4000, three zeroes. That's a lot. Most of you are saying here, "ooohh that's why it makes you so tired always".
But what happens to melatonin when it's metabolized? It turns into pinoline. What is pinoline you ask? It's your body's natural antioxidant. I haven't even had a mild cold in 5 years. Seriously...

And pinoline is a substance extremely similar to DMT. If you know what DMT is you know where I'm going. It'
s one of the most psychoactive substances known. AND YOUR BODY PRODUCES IT NATURALLY.
With marijuana those pinoline levels obviously go into huge amounts compared to an average person.

The pineal gland, also known as the third eye has been known to be important since ancient Egypt for christ's sake, but most people haven't even heard of it.
In ancient Egypt there was an area with buildings built exactly in the picture of a man, arranged like an Egyptian hieroglyph.
The most important room, where the highest priests went to do their business was called the "Holiest of holy".
This was located exactly in the building that was the "head" and exactly where the pineal gland would be.

How did they know back then already that the pineal gland is important to humans? On some level that we can't comprehend yet. Sure, extra terrestrials come to mind, but if that's not your cup of tea, I won't start convincing you.

The pineal gland is clean when you're a child, but starts calcifying when you reach your teens. Why does this start happening? It just starts breaking down it's intention, not working anymore.
Intentional by the government? Or some other party?
Feeding us food and drinks that intentionally inhibit the pineal gland from working properly?
Meaning that the food that is commercially available is laced with all sorts of stuff that definitely will keep the pineal gland calcified.
There are ways to decalcify the gland, like natural foods, water krass, cannabis to name a couple...
Just an interesting theory...

I've also observed an interesting phenomenon when it comes to people starting to smoke weed.
It in a way creates an anarchist like mindset, this has happened to almost everyone who I've seen start smoking other than recreationally.
And one thing stays the same with these people, they want to reach this anarchy with peaceful intentions. Which is strange to me, why does it keep pointing us towards this?

Leading us to a better world, where humans should've always been at. Without extreme capitalism, one love, unity.

I'm sure I could write a lot more about this, but for now this will have to do. Would be great to hear your insights, but keep in mind it's just something I've been pondering.


I've found it has a similar effect on me to what you describe as an "anarchist like mindset", which means I become almost incapable of pretending to be something that is not in alignment with my real needs and desires, and if even if I "try" to go along, it doesn't usually end up being very convincing to other people. The commonly cited side effect of becoming unmotivated really only occurs when it "motivation" is translated as conformity to something where there is very little real inner interest. Motivation while high is no problem when I'm engaged with something I'm truly passionate about.

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