Weekly Report As Steem Representative: 06 to July 12, 2023steemCreated with Sketch.

in Steem POD Team11 months ago

WEEKLY July (1).png

In the last report in July from June 29 to July 05, 2023, I reported my activities as a Steem Representative and other activities that drive the growth of the platform with various activities. The report that I published this week is not much different from the report in the second week of this month, which is focused on holding a contest on Steem For Betterlife Community.

Another additional activity is as a Community Curator Team who are members of Team 5, This week I got 2 shifts to do curation, namely July 8 and July 12 with a total curation of 53 posts and 9 positive comments.

Organizing Regular Contests

As a regular contest organizer since 2021 until now, I continue to publish contests with various topics and give prizes in the form of Steem Power, then provide additional prizes in the form of boom support, hopefully this contest can be used as a means for newcomers to increase their achievements in the form of steem power.

This week I only released 3 contests with varied topics, I continued to release contests regularly even though I didn't get enough support, I had to work around contest prizes through other posts, for example posting a report on the world smile project which was not set at 100% Power Up.

Here are the contests/announcements about the best contestants that I have published over the past 7 days.

@irawandedyGardening Challenge: Promotion of Gardening as a Support for Daily Needs - Part 2
@irawandedySave the World Contest - Let's Start from now Be a Pillar of the Earth's Savior, Season 10
@irawandedyTravel Contest - Have You Been Here, Season 2

Account Activity

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From Steemworld.org data showing account curation activity for the last 7 days, there is 17.3 ( 0.00 % self, 287 upvotes, 129 accounts, last 7d ). I use vote distribution on posts with different community backgrounds in various countries.

In this week's report, there was a decrease in CSI Voting compared to the previous report period, but I continued to use upvote support evenly with various percentages in various communities and through this support I as an analyst was able to encourage positive interaction and even distribution of support after getting a delegation from the Steemit Team.

Active Post

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Screenshot image using steemnow.com shows active participation in releasing posts in the last 7 days, the posts are divided into topics such as Diary Game, contests, World Smile Project Int Report and Engagement Challenge. I try to set aside some time to stay active in writing amidst my busy life in the real world.

Of the 6 posts, 5 of my posts are set at 100% Power Up and the remaining 1 post is in the Update Cash Flow Report form set at 50:50, this is done to encourage an increase in WSP Cash and prize savings for contest winners.

Thus my brief report for 06 to July 12, 2023, I hope it can be a reference for my growth and development in carrying out my functions and duties professionally.

Wednesday, July 12, 2023


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