Is it true that Tariq bin Ziyad burned his ship while attacking Spain?
One of the most famous stories about Thariq bin Ziyad's struggle for Andalusia is a heroic event by Thariq, burning the ships he and his men were using to cross the Strait of Gibraltar. After that Thariq said, "The sea lies behind you, the enemies are before you, and there is no escape for you except with the sword !!"
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This story is very popular in society, but it turns out - maybe we never heard it - this event is weakened by the scholars of history. Among those who weakened the story were Dr. Raghib as-Sirjani. Here we quote his opinion about the validity of the story.
According to Raghib as-Sirjani, this story is debatable among historians. Some say that saheeh really happened and not a few who say this story is fake. The reason is:
First , there is no clear history of this event. The Muslims who have the privilege of the knowledge of tuh wa ta'dil (the science of studying the religion) consider that a narrator should be a trusted person. And no one is trusted from among Muslims who narrate this story. This story is narrated from a history of Europeans who wrote about the events of the Sidonian War or the Barbath Valley War.
Secondly , the burning policy of this ship must be by permission or coordination with the authorities of the Umayyad Empire, such as North African emir, Moses bin Nushair or Khalifah al-Walid bin Abdul Malik because it was they who allowed Tariq to leave for Andalusia. Or in there must be some news that Musa bin Nushair and the Caliph asked for an explanation of why Thariq did anything that could endanger the dozens of thousands of Muslims. Or there is also coordination with the scholars to weigh mafsadat and madaratnya. All the historical records that say Thariq bin Ziyad burning his ships do not mention all the above considerations. Of course it brings doubt.
As we know in the previous story that Thariq bin Ziyad always coordinate with Musa bin Nushair in his policy.
Third , European sources play a major role in the spread of this story. Why is that? Because their logic was incapable of understanding, how could the 100,000 Visigoths of Nazarite, in their own country and land, really know the battlefield, beaten by a small group of foreign troops composed of just a few thousand troops ?! And This story develops because an assumption of the Islamic army there is no longer a choice but to drown in the sea or die on the battlefield.
Such is the interpretation of the Nazarenes of Europe, and their understanding is understandable because they do not know the promise of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala in His word.
كم من فئة قليلة غلبت فئة كثيرة بإذن الله والله مع الصابرين
"How many groups can defeat a large group with God's permission. And Allah is with the patient. (QS Al-Baqarah: 249)
Fourth , never recorded in the history of Muslim warfare, Muslims feel woefully faced with their enemies so they need additional motivation by burning their ships. The Muslims set out to fight for the ultimate goal of martyrdom or martyrs in the way of Allah.
Fifth , defeat in war is a possibility that could happen. Therefore Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala allows the army of jihad to withdraw with reason in order to join the other forces.
يا أيها الذين آمنوا إذا لقيت الذين كفروا زحفا فلا تولوهم الأدبارومن يومم يومئذ إلا أرفيع الإسلام و فيه فقد بين في بغضب من الله ومواوا جهنم وباس المصير
"O ye who believe! When ye meet the Unbelievers who are with you, do not turn their backs on them. Those who turn their backs (backwards) at that time, except turning to the war (of war) or to join themselves with other troops, then the person returns with wrath from Allah, and its place is hell. And evil is the place of return. "(QS Al-Anfal: 15-16)
Thus Allah Almighty gives the Muslims an opportunity to retreat if they have certainly seen defeat and harm other Muslims, provided that it is a war strategy or join to increase the number of other troops. The policy of burning a ship is a decision that endangers troops, harms the Muslims, and is against the Shari'a. Fiqh like this is very doubtful happened to someone who was appointed warlord such as Thariq bin Ziyad.
Sixth , as Ibn Adzari mentioned in al-Bayan al-Maghrib 2: 6, and al-Himyari in al-Raudh al-Mu'thar Hal. 35, not all ships carrying Islamic troops crossed to Andalusia belonging to Thariq bin Ziyad, some of which belonged to King Julian. Julian is one of those who are not happy with the ruthless Roderick's power. Thus, Thariq had to return the ships he borrowed instead of burning it.[1]
From the above points, Raghib as-Sirjani concluded that the incident of burning of this ship is a fictional story that deliberately made to deny the strength of the faith of the Islamic army and the help that God gave with their patience.
The burning policy of this ship must be by permission or coordination with the authorities of the Umayyad Empire, such as North African emir, Moses bin Nushair or Khalifah al-Walid bin Abdul Malik because it was they who allowed Tariq to leave for Andalusia. Or there must be some news that Musa bin Nushair and the Caliph asked for an explanation of why Thariq did anything that
Syukran ya boss
This story is very popular in society, but it turns out - maybe we never heard it - this event is weakened by the scholars of history. Among those who weakened the story were Dr. Raghib as-Sirjani. Good post