Contest - What i Learned On Steemit

in Steem Marketinglast year


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Warm greetings to all the @steem-database family. It is a great thing to be among the participants of this contest, and thanks to the organizer (faran-nabeel). Before I move further, I do like to invite @yakspeace, @ophinebabe, and @patience90 to take part in this contest. Remain blessed as read through.
What did you learn on the steemit Platform?


Anytime I sit to look into things that this platform has taught me, I take a deep breath and say thank you lord for making me part of the steemit family. Sincerely speaking, I wish I had known about this platform earlier because the platform has been more like a school to me.

The things I learned on this platform can not be overemphasized, and I can tell you that it has changed my life for the better. Below are a few of the things I have learned on the platform.

  • steemit has taught me about other people's cultures, beliefs, food, dressings, and ways of life.
  • on this platform, I have acquired basic knowledge about the world of cryptocurrency.
  • The platform has taught me how to create free plagiarised articles.
  • I also have become a good reader and a writer through the help of steemit.
  • On steemit, I have learned about businesses, dishes, other countries, and traditions.

What other thing do I need to learn that is not available on steemit? This platform is a school and no one comes into it without learning something new.

What is the main influence of your learning on the steemit platform?


Many things have been a source of influence on my learning on the steemit platform. First of all, I want to tell you that I am always eager and hungry for improvement. I like to learn new things daily, and steemit seems to be that platform that can improve me on daily basis. All I am trying to say is, learning new things have been one of my influence.

In addition to that, I love to help and assist other people. As we all know, there are many new users on the platform who are yet to acquire what it takes to be successful on steemit. Such people need our guidance and support. And for me to be able to offer guidance to someone, I must, first of all, be equipped with knowledge. As such, I always want to learn so that I can be of help to others.

More to that, I always learn new things to be able to participate in various contests. Remember, you can only share what you have. If I don't learn new things, I won't be able to participate in some contests, and that will affect my progress on the platform.

How has steemit affected you and your life after your joining?


Just like any other person, steemit has affected me positively. It has made me a better person in life. I can proudly tell you that with steemit, I am not where I was yesterday because I am now far ahead. Guess what, the future is secured with steemit.

Ever since I joined this platform, I don't longer have time to waste on other social networks that offers nothing. My mind and focus have been participating in contests, learning, and sharing my ideas with others.

More to that, steemit has been supporting me financially, and with ease, I settle my bills. I also have developed into a better writer unlike some years ago when I hardly write more than 200 words in an article.

What is your experience and education on steem?

With steemit, I have a good and amazing experience. I never for once regret being part of the platform because of it contribution to my life. All I have to say about steemit is, it is the best social network that anyone could ever come across. As earlier stated, steemit has taught me many things, ranging from people's culture, food, dressing, and many more. I also have learned many things from different educational fields. All I can say is thank you to steemit for such a wonderful experience.

 last year 

Wow, you have indeed learnt beautiful things here on steemit. Steemit is not just a platform, but an avenue to learn, channel your energy, your mind set. Steemit has taught me so much too. Maybe I would share with you soon.

I enjoyed reading your post. Goodluck

Congratulations, your comment has been successfully curated by @disconnect at 10%.

 last year 

Thank you so much @disconnect

Thank you, friend!
I'm @steem.history, who is steem witness.
Thank you for witnessvoting for me.
please click it!
(Go to and type fbslo at the bottom of the page)

The weight is reduced because of the lack of Voting Power. If you vote for me as a witness, you can get my little vote.

 last year 

Thank you for sharing posts, improve the quality of your posts and stay original.

Plagiarism freeYES
Verified userYES
free botsYES
Voting CSI10.5

Nice to learn about you Thank you so much for participating on this contest. Keep engaged with other user's posts through commentimg. Have a nice day !

I can really say that steemit is the best platform I have ever seen around the world, it helps to connect you with the people around the world and creating a common boundary.

Thank you for sharing this amazing content about the steemit platform

 last year 

You have really learn a lot in steemit dear friend and so do I. I am glad you never regret joining this platform. Anyone who likes and appreciate good things will say the same. Good luck to you in your contest.

Your post has been supported with a 40% upvote by @ashkhan from TEAM 2 of the Community Curation Program. We invite you to continue sharing quality content on the platform, and continue to enjoy support, and also a likely spot in our weekly top 7.

Voting date: March 09, 2023


 last year 

Thank you @ashkhan for the support


Your post has been successfully curated by @karianaporras at 30%.
Thank you for your committed efforts, we urge you to do more and keep posting high quality contests for a chance to earn valuable upvotes from our team of curators and why not be selected for an additional upvote in the weekly list of Top Contests.

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