Knowing the Benefits of the Internet for Learning Activities on Campus/School

in CampusConnect2 years ago

In the development of the world of internet education is one of the most important things, because the role of the internet as a source of information and data collection, can even be a means of exchanging data and is never limited by space and time, in fact it has been seen as evidence of the internet as a learning activity.


There are several benefits of the internet for teachers including:

  • To increase insight and knowledge.
  • As a medium for exchanging resources and information with relatives and professional friends.
  • As a means of collaborating with educators and teachers abroad.
  • As a means to participate in all educational activities, such as forums, seminars, workshops and others.
  • As a resource and teaching material.

While the benefits of the internet in the world of education for students (students) include:

  1. As a source and insight with knowledge
  2. As a means of improving relationships/communication and information among other friends
  3. As a place of practice from the theory that has been obtained with the learning that has been followed.

For other general benefits, the internet is a place of access to find out various sources and other educational institutions, unlike in the past, information was only obtained from brochures, but unlike today, all information can be found practically by using the internet.

Thank you to all of my friends who have visited my blog and I hope that what I write can be useful, \ Regards


I feel happy whenever I hear the word "internet"🤩 nice article here 👍

thank you for stopping

 2 years ago 

@iskandar1582, Thanks for sharing with us on @campusconnect . Continue sharing your quality contents with us here we love and appreciate your effort but pls work on the use of markdown ,Thanks

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