The Unexplained Mystery Into how much water to drink Uncovered
Keep looking up! I learn from the past, dream about the future and look up. There's nothing like a beautiful sunset to end a healthy day. Rachel Boston
There’s no easy answer to how much water you should drink every day.Just as you are unique, so are your water needs. How much water you need depends on many factors, including your health status, how active you are and where you live. Though no single formula fits all people, several guidelines are available to help you.
Happiness doesn't come from being rich, nor merely from being successful in your career, nor by self-indulgence. One step towards happiness is to make yourself healthy and strong while you are a boy so that you can be useful and so you can enjoy life when you are a man. Robert Baden-Powell
Keep looking up! I learn from the past, dream about the future and look up. There's nothing like a beautiful sunset to end a healthy day. Rachel Boston
Health benefits of water
Water is crucial to your health. It makes up, on average, 60 percent of your body weight. Every system in your body depends on water.Lack of water can lead to dehydration, a condition that occurs when you don’t have enough water in your body to carry on normal functions. Even mild dehydration can sap your energy and make you tired. Dehydration poses a particular
Looking beautiful isn't just about what you apply to your face. It's the little things you do that matter. A combination of a good diet, exercise, healthy habits, discipline, dancing etc. is what my beauty routine consists of. Also, I have no bad habits; I don't drink or smoke. All these contribute to me being fit and looking good. Madhuri Dixit
health risk for the very young and the very old. Signs and symptoms of dehydration include:
Excessive thirst
A headache
Dry mouth
Little or no urination
Muscle weakness
Every day you lose water