Daily Bread: Don't Stop, Strive Bravely ... (20% to @heartChurch)

in HeartChurch3 years ago

Look that I command you to make an effort and be brave; do not be afraid or dismayed, for Jehovah your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1: 9 King James Version (KJV)

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If God gives you an order, then you have to carry it out. You may find yourself on the verge of abandoning your race toward the goal you have set for yourself. Perhaps because of the economic crisis and the pandemic, you want to abandon your dream. However, the word of God for your life today is precisely, do not stop, but move forward with efforts and courage, because God will be with you to help you achieve your dream.

Don't give up on what you are about to achieve. Do not throw in the towel or abandon the path that you have been traveling for a long time to conquer what you have always longed for.

It does not matter that your business or family is going through a bad time, God tells you, strive with courage, because God will not leave you alone but is with you to help you overcome the difficult situation you are living.

God told Joshua that it was necessary for him to exert himself and show a courageous attitude, in order to face all obstacles to enter to conquer the land that Abraham and his descendants promised him.

Today God tells you not to renounce your blessings, because God will take you to the highest place to give you what corresponds to you. Today's obstacles are simply the impulses that will help you to successfully achieve your goal.

Be strong and brave, because there are great things that God has for you. God promises to accompany you in the midst of all the circumstances of life. The Lord will not leave you or forsake you, because He will be your shield and refuge in all your battles. Just be strong and brave so that you lift up in your hands the glorious crown of reward that God has in store for you.

 3 years ago 

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