Exercise in godliness ... (20% to @HeartChurch)

in HeartChurch3 years ago

Then one named Ananias, a pious man according to the law, who had a good report of all the Jews who lived there, 13 came to me and, coming up, said, "Brother Saul, receive sight." And in that same hour I regained my sight and looked at him. Acts 22: 12-13

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Godliness is a virtue that covers the character of a God-fearing man. The godly person is devoted to holy things and has a deep love for his neighbor, which leads him to perform acts of love and compassion.

When Saul of Tarsus had his personal encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ, Saul was going to Damascus to put the Christians there in prison. However, the Lord Jesus appeared to him on the road and with a bright light he knocked Saul off his horse, who fell to the ground and lost his sight for three days.

All of this was in God's plans for Saul to convert to Christianity and be a preacher. Following the instructions of the Lord Jesus Christ, Saul was picked up from the ground and taken to Damascus, to a neighborhood called "The Right". God reveals to a Jew named Ananias what had happened and since Ananias was a pious and very kind man, he heard the call of the Lord and prayed for Paul, who regained his sight.

Ananias says that Scripture was a very useful and God-fearing Jew. He was a devout man with a lot of dedication to the holy things of God and he was the man that God used for Saul to regain his sight and begin his ministry according to the will of God.

Mercy unites us with mercy and compassionate love. The godly person has a deep love for his neighbor. The pious is always related to generous and supportive work. His consecration to God leads him to cover himself with love and mercy.

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