Have a positive attitude towards problems ... (20% for @HeartChurch)

in HeartChurch4 years ago

Showing a positive attitude towards problems goes a long way in finding the best solution. If the problem is approached with the best attitude, you will surely have the opportunity to bring out the good in the problem that has arisen.

Don't drown in a glass of water, because everything in life has a solution. Don't put your hand on your head like there is no other solution to your problem. The negative opens the doors to the negative. The mind that does not generate thoughts to solve a problem will only allow the problem to lead you to failure.

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I want to remind you of the positive attitude that Joshua and Caleb had when the other spies came from surveying the promised land and gave Moses a negative report of what they had seen. The entire report contained a series of negative aspects derived from the negative attitude of the ten spies. However, Joshua and Caleb showed a positive attitude in which they declared that God could help them defeat their enemies, if only they would believe.

Do not get carried away by the bad things you see, just assume a positive attitude and win over the bad or the problem. Let yourself be carried away by the mind that generates positive and creative thoughts like those of Josué and Caleb. Do not forget, also, that when David faced Goliath, he did so first with a positive attitude surrounded by the deeds that God had done with him, when he faced the lions and bears who wanted to eat the sheep of his flock.

A good attitude can give the best solution to a problem.
A negative attitude can throw you into the abyss of problem. Stay firm in yourself so that you can generate a good attitude and act wisely to solve your problems.