Day 817 (Daily Post)
Day 817. Apparently it rained for much of the night and I had quite the challenge getting my eyes to stay open long enough to get out of bed because transplanting those sixty black raspberry plants yesterday did not quite constitute 'light duty' work.
Three things ultimately roused me from bed though. I forgot to turn off my newly installed LED lights and they drained one of my batteries down to the point where the load circuit on the charge controller they are hooked up to where the voltage was below 11.5 volts and shut the circuit off (which is how the load circuit works) but then the voltage would rise back up (which batteries tend to do without a load on them) and thus re-energize (turn back on) the load circuit all of which caused the lights to flicker because the on/off process kept repeating.
Then there was this carpenter bee flying around and relentlessly bouncing off the screen trying to fly out the window which it has done the last few mornings now until I open the screen and window so it can go outside. This happened last spring also with the carpenter bees (although there were three of them then) and although they are destructive I cannot bring myself to kill them so I just let them outside every morning so they can go fly around and do whatever the hell carpenter bees do when they are not boring holes in wood.
The last thing which finally roused me all the way awake is the dogs snuggling up against me and more or less demanding to get their morning petting from me before they get let outside to do their morning business which is undoubtedly not as mysterious as what the carpenter bees business might be.
I finally got my eyes to stay open and thought to myself 'Yup it is definitely Springtime!' because not only was there the indoor activity happening but also the variety of birds singing outside finally penetrated my groggy mind and I was like 'Yup everything is coming to life so I better do the same.'
On a different note I keep thinking about how downright peculiar it is that I am living the life I am and that sharing it each day has done so much for me (and perhaps others) and I cannot help but wonder about where I would be in life if I had been doing this sort of 'documenting of my life' during other phases of my life as well. What I am mostly thinking of here is documenting the work, research and 'do it yourself' stuff that I have done over the years that more or less prepared me for this phase of things. In a way I did document some of it with handwritten journaling and taking pictures but that is nowhere near as accurate as what I have been doing these past few years.
The biggest benefit that I can see is having an actual record of things to reference because 'memory' and more precisely the 'recall of memory' is a hit or miss prospect at best and faulty prospect at worst. A good example is that I was reviewing a few of last year's videos yesterday and in one of them I mention the blueberry plants that a friend gave me and I had planted in the area of the property where I stayed at when I initially arrived here and I was like 'Oh damn I really need to move them to the area I am in now while it is still Spring and they have yet to start really getting their greenery again!' which also reminded me that I needed to also move the black raspberry plants as well for much the same reason as far as 'timing' is concerned.
What I am getting at here is that when we have (as the saying goes) 'too many irons in the fire' it is easy to overlook things or even forget about them entirely so not just having some sort of record but actually consulting said record is quite helpful. It has actually become one of the things that I recommend to folks to do when they are starting a homestead/farm (or whatever) because that documentation is not just good for referencing and educational purposes but also gives a direct window into the past where we can see the progress that was made.
For me I occasionally go back and watch my first two weeks of videos where everything was overgrown with briers and multi-flora, trash was strewn everywhere, the roads were in shit shape and basically everything was fucked and I am like 'whoa damn things sure have come a long way!' It is a good reminder to me that perseverance, persistence and patience really pays off and that I should be grateful that the hardest parts are merely a distant memory that I would forget or at least 'tone down' the memory of the hardships just for the sake of my own mental well-being. To say the very least it is sobering to view the past clearly and see what all can be recalled from memory and what would have been lost to it entirely without having some sort of documentation.
Anyway daylight is burning here and since it is most likely going to rain for much of the week I better get all this edited, posted and get to working on stuff outside while the weather is nice. I hope that everyone is doing well or at least 'well enough'. Ta ta for now.

I thought you were going to take it easy yesterday! What happened?
Taking-it-easy-fail is what happened @goat-girlz! I made it to around five in the afternoon then got restless and decided to pour ash on my dog poop compost and somehow after doing that I found myself several acres away digging up black raspberry plants with a shovel and loading them in my big wagon to haul back to the homestead and plant. So today I am really taking it easy and it is raining so maybe that will keep me from repeating yesterday's fail. I am so sore now I am like 'UGH! Why Did I Do That!'
Hahahaha! That's pretty funny. Rain should help you keep quiet. It's hard to be motivated when everything is soggy. I hope the sore muscles don't last long.
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The rain definitely kept me indoors yesterday @goat-girlz and I slept through much of the day!
That sounds heavenly! We've had a lot of rain over the last several days. It's very nice to be getting water!
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Same here with the rain but like I have said before we have had so much rain the last six months everything is over saturated. Today I just want some sun!!!
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Having a stable space to keep memory really is useful! I definitely see the utility when we can gauge our progress in projects or learning skills.
Hopefully those black raspberries and blueberries are fruitful!
Indeed it is @coyoteom!
Yeah and hopefully the berry plants will do well this year. :)
Hello ...!!
I absolutely love blackberries. Well worth the work and effort in transplanting...!!!!
I'm totally in your obligatory photo. I would so totally like to dive into a patch of green clover... and take my sweet time looking for a four leaf clover. Just :D
They are 'black raspberries' @annephilbrick but blackberries are abundant here as well and equally delicious!
Yeah I was pretty stoked to see the clover coming up! Maybe I will look around for a four-leaf clover and get a picture if I see one. Currently it is raining and I am cooped up inside. It is a lazy day so I am being productive online.