The Diary game. A Snowy Day: Prayers, Office Hustle, and Navigating Slippery Roads

in Hindwhale Community2 months ago

Greetings, dear friends, how are you all? I hope you all are fine and enjoying your day. I wish for you all good health, wealth and a prosperous time ahead. Today I am here to share with you yet another day of my life and I hope you all will get time to read and know about one more day of my life and also find it worthwhile to read and vote.

I woke up early in the morning, as I have a habit of rising early. After waking up, I performed ablution with warm water and then headed to the nearby mosque for prayers. Upon reaching the mosque, I noticed that people had already gathered, and the prayer had begun. I offered my prayer and then made supplications. This is how I started my day with a good deed, which helps me stay positive throughout the day and face challenges with ease.

On my way back home from the mosque, I went straight to a room where I did some exercises, which helped me burn a few calories. Nowadays, I cannot go for walks because of the extreme cold. The frost that gathers in the morning makes it difficult to walk outside.



Today was Friday, and I wasn’t in the mood to go to the office. However, as office hours approached, I received a call asking me to report. My task for the day involved reviewing some pending files related to material payments. I needed to ensure that no amounts were exceeding the limits before forwarding the files to higher authorities for payment approval.

It took me some time to go through the files thoroughly. Meanwhile, my colleagues were also busy with their respective work. At 1 PM, we left for prayers. Since it was Friday, we offered the congregational Friday prayer at the nearby mosque, where a large gathering had assembled.



It was extremely cold, and staying outside for long was nearly impossible. We hurried to the mosque, offered our prayers, and then returned to the office. By then, it had started snowing. The snowfall quickly intensified, but we continued with our work. I didn’t give much thought to how I would make it back home later, as snow makes the roads slippery, and driving becomes extremely challenging.

Since we live in a hilly area, extra caution is always necessary during such weather. However, I hadn’t realized the gravity of the situation until it was time to leave in the evening. On my way home, about eight to nine kilometers before reaching, I came across a long queue of vehicles struggling to climb a slope due to the slippery roads. It was at that moment I realized how fortunate I was to have kept my vehicle safe and avoided any mishap.



After parking my car, I decided to walk the rest of the way home. A little while into my walk, I came across a vehicle with a few passengers already inside. The vehicle was stuck due to the slippery roads and was struggling to climb uphill. After some time, I finally reached home. Normally, I get home earlier, but today it took me longer due to the snow that had accumulated significantly by then.

At home, the atmosphere was cheerful, as this snowfall had come after a long delay. The region had experienced very little rain this year, which had left people disappointed with the weather. But finally, the snow brought some relief. In the evening, I watched TV and saw tourists enjoying themselves, exploring the area and making the most of the snowy weather. Soon, it was time for dinner. As I was exhausted throughout the day, I retired to sleep a little earlier than usual and ended my day.

It was all about 27 december 2024.Thank you for going through my post. Have a great time ahead.


I really enjoyed reading your diary game. Thank you so much for giving such a beautiful diary game.


Mientras tú estás con tanto frío aquí en mi ciudad hay demaciado calor 😬 espero que puedan hacer su vida cotidiana sin contratiempos Por el clima,

Me encantó tu última fotografía ya tengo muchos años que no se que es presenciar la nieve 🤷
