Tips on How to Make a Savory Chicken Without MSG
500 grams of bones / tetelan and chicken skin (can be changed chicken)
3 celery stalks
1 large onion, cut into pieces
4 parts
2 cloves of garlic, crushed
2 carrots, cut into salt to taste 1/2 teaspoon pepper 1.5 liters of water
How to make:
Boil water, put tetelan and chicken skin / chicken meat into the pan, enter all the vegetable ingredients.
Add salt and pepper.
Boil until the vegetables are cooked or approximately 30 minutes.
Allow to warm nails.
Strain the broth from the dregs. And chicken broth is ready to be processed so various dishes.
If you use chicken meat make sure to cut it a bit small, and use the chicken that has a lot of fat and skin like wings and buttocks. This chicken broth can also be stored in the freezer and hold more than 5 months, when you need it, just melt and can used to make soup or other dishes that require chicken broth. If you want to keep it in a frezer and last longer, boil more chicken broth until boiling and let it to cool completely, then pour in some plastic and tie. Every time you want to wear it, simply remove it per plastic or as necessary.