How My Heart Exploded. My Job on Ko Phangan is Done.
Yesterday, with pinch of sadness, I left the island of Ko Phangan, leaving the most amazing group of people and piece of my artwork behind.
But truly, how can I be sad, if something so phenomenal happened there, which made me feel like there is NOTHING but great stuff unfolding in present moment.
One of the many heart-opening sunsets at the magical Ko Phangan
Well, the story that I said to my friends who gather around my spiritual teacher Chris and Ariel, goes like this, and it is a true story:
This is the awkward message from the “always late” escape guy so read it at your own risk. I’m sitting on my flight to Honk Kong and reminiscing about the lovely time I had with you between listening to burps, aaaaahs, drowning in my own shit and thinking about my way out and slowly realizing there’s only way in/through. As I was returning from the absolutely amazing Nick’s birthday party zipping through the darkness suddenly something exploded and my bike trembled. I stopped because I thought my rear tire busted. It didn’t so I checked my pants if I haven’t shat myself. Dry as baby powder. I shrugged, got back on the motorbike and kept on going. Something felt different though. And then it hit me. It was my heart that burst open. It was suddenly so clear to me. I looked at the stars and almost rode off the road in the ditch (happened once before for similar reason) as I got sucked in their indescribable beauty and I felt my heart expand to the infinite. That, my friends, was better than cold beer after long run and even better than swimming naked in the ocean at night with luminescence dancing around me and moon laughing at it from above. And that, my friends, was thanks to you. Thank you for showing me how true courage and vulnerability looks like. I love you more than I care to admit. And I will miss you. Thank you for lighting up the torch. May it burn eternally. I wish you all what your higher self already dances in. May you dance. May we all. See you when the stars align ❤️❤️🙏🙏⚡️⚡️
The final version of the second sign of the signboard I did for Tony's Seacroft Bamboo Village
Bruce Lee on my shirt and peace in my heart tells me that everything is just where it's meant to be and on the "right" way to some real amazing love bombs. So much gratitude. 🙏💜
These are my beautiful friends! Nick's surprise birthday party.
I hope you can open your heart to the infinite too. I hope mine stays open, but I do not cling to anything at this point.
Deep sense of trust and peace imbues me now and I know that the journey is not about the destination but about the journey.
Much Love to all,
Thank you for reading,
follow @jankasparec
Love your elephant! :)