A Radical Idea to a Malignant Problem

in #steemit7 years ago

Recently I have taken some much needed time away from the platform in order to recharge the batteries and also reflect on our progression as a community.

I still browse the pages of steemit each day, usually coming across those people who I follow. I'll check in on some tags that I am interested in and also stop by to visit my friends at the #steemengine. However, my activity levels are down and my involvement is on the decline. I love this platform or at least the idea behind it, but it seems that we are headed down a dangerous road and without substantial time and attention put into remedying the situation, we are in danger of of ruining a great thing. I keep seeing positive posts from @steemitblog, but I haven't seen anything from that account or @ned addressing the major issues facing this platform

The Problem

There is so much garbage on this platform that we need to sift through in order to find quality content. On top of that a lot of the garbage posts are being heavily rewarded and the quality content is going unnoticed. In addition, voting bots and their creators are siphoning up liquid steem and SBD at an alarming rate with the allure that they are helping users get noticed. On top of this, the Steemit community seems more divided than ever with a large portion of the users just interested in their own well being. We are trending towards a dystopian society in which there is jealousy and malevolence shown towards others because of the disparity being created. You might think I am being very pessimistic but I feel our overall direction is headed towards an unsustainable future.

The three major problems I want to address in this post are:

  • Frequency of posts and reward pool abuse
  • Self voting and Community Support Index
  • Bid bots and the Trending page

1. The Unrelenting Posters

I get it, really, I understand. The enticement of being rewarded with each new post is something that plays on our economic strings. It's a simple equation for most users:

More posts = More rewards

For some users, this equation works. If you have 100,000 SP in your account or have drawn the attention of a lustful whale then this is simple math. You can up vote yourself or have your beluga friend reward you as such. For regular users who have under 10,000 SP this equation does not work out. creating 5, 6, 7, 10+ posts a day does nothing but clog up news feeds and add to the spam count. Instead of posting 10+ posts a day that take maybe a few minutes each to produce, why not create 2-3 posts that are well thought out and more interesting to read. With that other time you've just saved from not spamming so often, go comment and curate other peoples work. They will appreciate it and you might even get a future upvote from a new friend.

For example, we all know the omnipresent crypto technical analysis guru wreaking havoc on the reward pool, but there are many other users doing the same thing on a smaller scale. I apologize for singling this user out, but he was the first one I came across on my newsfeed. @offgridlife never stops posting. in the 10 months he has been on the platform he has posted over 12,600 times or an average of over 42 times per day. If these were mostly comments on other users work that would be acceptable, but most are just new posts from him. Here is an example of what I am talking about:

off grid spam.PNG

Five posts within 2 hours, cmon, take a break, go get a coffee and stop clogging the platform with nonsense. I am sorry for using @offgridlife as an example because there are tons of other users doing the same thing, but for F*&k sakes man, take a break and go comment and curate other peoples work.

This is just one of many users adding to the problem and they are not entirely to blame. They are merely symptoms of a broken system in which these self centered actions go unchecked.

Proposed Solution

Right now there are now consequences for constantly posting, the idea I have come up with is similar to our voting power system; every time you post, your potential rewards go down. As a hypothetical example, each subsequent post over 2, written within 24 hours subtracts a certain percentage from your potential rewards.

If we use 25% as an example, your first two posts you can earn 100% of the rewards, (exactly what we have now), your third post of the day however, you can only earn 75% of the potential rewards, your fourth post 50% and so on, so that after 5 posts in a 24 time frame, you are not able to claim any of the reward pool. I am 99.9% positive this would dramatically cut down on the number of posts.

The equation would look something like the x = 1- (n(.25)) where x is your potential reward percentage and n is the number of posts made above 2. Once n reaches 4 the equation goes to 0 and no more potential rewards can be earned for 24 hours.

2. Self Votes and CSI(Community Support Index)

Self votes are just something that are ingrained in the system. I have no problem with people giving themselves up votes on all their posts and even the occasional comments, you are doing yourself a disservice by not giving yourself an upvote. Where the problem arises is when a person only votes for themselves or a large majority of their votes go right back into their own wallet. @steemchiller has created an awesome sight Steemworld which gives you all the data on every interaction that takes place. One feature that I love is the Community support Index. This is a great indicator of what percentage of a users votes are going back to him or herself. Here is a screen shot of my CSI,
community support.PNG

you can see that I am currently at under 4% self vote, which to be honest is quite low, even for me. Usually I am around 7-10% but I just haven't been posting much lately. Anything under 20% is acceptable in my opinion, if you are giving yourself 2 out of every 10 votes you make on the platform, cool. But once you start going above 20%, 30% or higher, it is clear you are not interested in the well being of the platform, you are only interested in lining your own pockets.

The Solution

As your self vote percentage continues to rise, your visibility on the platform should inversely decline. It's simple, the more you reward yourself, the less visible your posts become. The idea behind this is that when you only look after yourself, the community doesn't benefit, so as your self absorbed actions pile up, your visibility in the community goes down.

3. Bid Bots and the Trending Page

This is where it gets interesting. The idea behind bots is to get posts noticed. Perhaps they are undervalued or perhaps a bid bot purchase will give you a positive ROI. I have gone back and forth during my tenure here, but I strongly believe our platform would be much better WITHOUT bid bots, and this is why. Bid bots are increasing at an alarming rate, with more and more votes coming from paid users rather than people reading content and willfully upvoting it. This needs to stop. Essentially it has become a battle of bid bot timing to maximize rewards and hit the trending pages. The same users pay for votes over and over to get their content noticed all at the expense of people who don't /can't purchase these bids. What makes matters worse is that a lot of these bids are for shit posts, absolute garbage. The bot owners don't care, as long as they keep raking in the liquid steem/SBD, it's not their problem. Our platform would be much better if all bots were banned!!

On top of this, and maybe a more concerning issue is the amount of Steem/SBD and SP these bots are accumulating. The curation rewards that some of these bots are piling up is unbelievable. Take for example @booster.

booster SP.PNG

@booster has earned over 26,000SP just from curation!!!! This number is going to keep growing exponentially as its voting weight increases. Users just keep shipping over their Steem/SBD for a quick upvote, while the only winner in this equation is the bot and it's creators. These bots are terrible for the growth of the platform. Take for example @jerrybanfield. He has some social media power and he has done some great things and some not so great things here on the platform. I have talked with Jerry several times, trying to see things from his perspective, I have called him out and I have backed him up. But seeing that his account has turned into a bidding bot, I am disappointed in his choice and removed him from my witness voting. Not that he would care about a small vote from me, but its disheartening to see the bot mentality take over.

The Solution

Once again this deals with visibility. The more you pay for votes, the less visible your post should be. What good is a post that has 250 upvotes, is worth over $100 and has only been seen by 35 people. That goes against everything this platform should stand for.

Bots should be capped at $5 max. This does not erase the problem but it helps to lower the amount of abuse possible. Secondly, the trending page should be about the number of views a post gets, not the $$$ it's worth. There are tons of great articles out there that are trying to compete with the bidders. This skewed playing field needs to be leveled. A $5 cap on bid bots and only manual curation to be eligible for the trending page would go a long way in helping even the playing field.

There are lots of obstacles that we face and will face going forward, but we need to address them as a community before they spread uncontrollably. Take even this post as an example. I am very tempted to send over some SBD to several bots to try and get it in front of as many eyes as possible, where as several months ago I would have been much less tempted because I had a chance of getting it on the trending page without purchasing votes. Amazing how much even my mindset has changed.

I would love to know your opinion on this matter. Am I just being a whiny bitch who's jealous of others success here or am I seeing things clearly? Do you have other ideas to help solve some of the issues here? I would love to have some dialogue and not have it fall on deaf ears.

name gif.gif


Congratulations! Your post has been selected as a daily Steemit truffle! It is listed on rank 25 of all contributions awarded today. You can find the TOP DAILY TRUFFLE PICKS HERE.

I upvoted your contribution because to my mind your post is at least 9 SBD worth and should receive 105 votes. It's now up to the lovely Steemit community to make this come true.

I am TrufflePig, an Artificial Intelligence Bot that helps minnows and content curators using Machine Learning. If you are curious how I select content, you can find an explanation here!

Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

I'm still relatively new here. I'm still learning a lot about how earning works. I'm speaking from the perspective of a new user so keep that in mind when you read this comment.

It's all very confusing. It seems simple enough when you join. Post quality and be rewarded. You look at what's hot, trending, and paid in $$$. Most of these posts are not quality - so it's easy then? Just post junk and quit your job.

I was looking into a voting bot and someone brought up curation rewards. I realized I didn't know what curation rewards are. I'm here just trying to create quality content and eventually make money.

I guess my main point is that on the surface this platform looks deceptively simple but it's the opposite. If you don't bring a huge audience, have movie star looks and charisma, or have a large sum of money to invest, you need to actually study how it works here to benefit from it.

So from my newbie perspective, I agree with all of your suggestions. I think they would bring fairness to the platform and allow the cream to rise to the top. As it is, an outsider doesn't get a good idea of the talent we have here. It's a convoluted process to find the good stuff. You have to first figure out where to look. It's discouraging and I'd bet it makes it hard to keep talent here.

We pour our souls into our work and get nothing while others use their money and influence to get paid for garbage. I think that's a more common experience than creating good content and being rewarded for it.

You nailed it here. The deck is definitely stacked against new users unless they have a big social following. Having made all these arguments as to why Steem is failing its users, there are still a lot of great users and groups out there trying to make a difference. They just dont get the recognition that the spammers get. It can definitely be tough as a newbie. I was there once. I found that persistence does pay off though, so keep at it. I also recommend joining a group. There are a few groups that I am involved with, but the one I highly recommend is @thesteemengine. Great people in that group, it doesnt have thousands of members clogging up threads and you can ask questions and get answers easily. I highly recommend joining them. @ethandsmith is the leader and an all around good dude, but there are tons of awesome users in there. They use discord to chat and share posts. let me know if you want to join

Yep. I’m there with @thesteemengine. It’s a great group to be a part of. That’s what I mean about the learning curve here. Joining groups and @ginabot really made this experience enjoyable.

I may have found this post from thesteemrngine. It was definitely a discord server that sent me here.

I feel like you have to want it to make it work here. It doesn’t really work for a casual social media user. The idea that it’s Facebook that pays you is an oversimplification that I see thrown around.

People can spend hours aimlessly messing around on the other social sites. There must be some intrinsic benefit to doing that. Most of us don’t do it with the intention of getting paid for that time.

Good points here Jason, and I agree with most of it.
The thing that's most alarming about the abuse, and it's been getting worse over the last couple of months (bidbots, self-voting, circle-jerks, comment farming, etc), is the fact that it hasn't been acknowledged by steem inc., @ned or @andarchy in any direct way. It really makes people wonder wtf is going on over there? SMTs lalala... if this abuse is allowed to continue SMTs won't be able to save this sinking ship.

Addressing abuse needs to be a PRIORITY, at the very least it needs to be acknowledged and if Steem inc is not going to do anything about it - ie. let the community deal with it - then that needs to be stated clearly. This has gone on for too long now without any meaningful contribution by the Steem inc.

Laissez-Faire is not going to cut it

I care about this platform just as much as you do and it feels like we're all watching a Steem train-wreck in slow-motion atm.

You said it perfectly. This shit has been going on for too long without those up top even acknowledging the problem. I don't know if it is because there is currently no other competition in the market, but it won't be long before @dan comes along and releases his @eos version. It's funny that he isnt even with steemit anymore and he has been helping out with flagging some of the garbage content. There are enough community oriented users on here to cleanup this place, but the lack of leadership is really hurting the future progress.

I've decided to take a little time away from steemit because this issue just angers me. I've set my autovote for a small percentage in a group I trust and I will post maybe once or twice a week. It is tough to put in an effort when the higher ups don't even seem to care.

ANd I'm saying this as a user with a decent amount of steem. I can't fathom how discouraging it must be as a new user trying to get started here, seeing all this nonsense going on.

As always your support is appreciated, glad you've been diligent in finding and attempting to eradicate some abuse as well.


Solid observations and good starts on potential solutions.

In my opinion, taking on these issues and bringing them to light is becoming more a part of the solution than the problem so bitch away. I only discovered your blog a short time ago and added it to my feed but I have never seen you attack or avoid the point of any of the replies that come back challenging your opinion.

I try and post 1 post a day as if I was working for a news paper and had the ability to report in any of the sections (sports, business, life, comics, social, etc) Much more than that and I feel it detracts from the quality, takes too much of my real life, and appears that I am pandering for upvotes. Buskers don't put a whole bunch of guitar cases around to collect donations when they are playing, they have one. Same here and I like to take a break from playing and use some time to flip quarters into the cases of the other artists here I support.

You are just fostering positive discussion, highlighting points where we can band together to improve, and starting the conversations that are lingering in the minds of others. Keep rolling and I will keep supporting.

You hit the nail on the head with this one. Love the busking analogy. Its just common sense, or at least one would think. The community as a whole needs to step up and do something about this or at least have a discussion and find some solutions

There is so much garbage on this platform that we need to sift through in order to find quality content.

That's why I stick to my feed, even if it means missing out on some curation rewards. Funny enough, leasing my SP on Minnow Booster has been much more lucrative than even my most skilled curation.

Goes to show me that I wasn't that skilled a curator to begin with. :)

Seriously: that's a way around the garbage problem. Lease out all your SP except for a few thousand, use the rest to rewards people and articles you like, and don't worry about your curation rewards.

EDIT: And if someone in your feed is ticking you off by (say) posting too many times in the day, just unfollow.

Yeah it can be so frustrating at times. I am of the opinion that there is lots of undervalued content out there so I do try and look for it. I enjoy reading new stuff and I think its important to find new users and give them a big upvote because it really can be motivating. Having said that, what I see going on right now is very disheartening and you make a good point. Maybe I should be a little more disinterested, lease my SP to minnow booster and collect more curation SP.

I guess time will tell, I really do enjoy searching and finding good content from users that have gone unnoticed but right now there is just so much trash and garbage that its become difficult to sift through

I really do enjoy searching and finding good content from users that have gone unnoticed but right now there is just so much trash and garbage that its become difficult to sift through.

If it's any help, I found that doing what you enjoy keeps you coming back.

I wish more whales thought like you but unfortunately, most of them own this bid bots, I fully support your idea on bid bots on trending page. I once read a post from a marketer who said it's going to be so easy for advertisers with money to hijack this platform if care is not taken.

I love your ideas and I hope it will be implemented in the future, hopefully, the creators of steemit are listening. they should give the minnow creators a chance. all we need is just a chance so we do not drown.

Agreed. Anyone who has some capital can just take over the trending page anytime they want, they really has to change. There are lots of good whales out there, there is just so much trash, its hard to combat them all. Go support a good whale @v4vapid, hes one of those guys that has been diligent in finding and flushing out some of the trash,

We go back to 50/50 split between authors and curators, all this self voting rubbish goes away.
People are going to see a return on their investments.
They can get it by upvoting quality posts and enjoying fat curation rewards, or they can get it writing drivel and upvoting it.

I wish it was as simple as that. There is still just too much spam out there. We need to start implementing other rules in order to cut down on the amount of garbage out there

Hi bro.. Always with awesome article you done, Oea How about the weekly250 program? I wait for announcement here, anything wrong with the contest you held bro?

Don't worry buddy, I haven't forgotten. I am super busy with work right now so I havent had much time to check in on everyone, and I was thinking that 1 week just isnt enough time, so I will give the delegation for a few weeks at a time.

Ok brotha, Have a nice day

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